Gareth Bellamy

Gareth Bellamy

67 posts

Gareth Bellamy has been fascinated by all things Fortean since childhood, from spontaneous human combustion to alien abductions. A folklore enthusiast and expert in all things 80s, Gareth brings a level-headed approach to the unexplained. He's been a regular contributor to Higgypop for over 10 years.

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Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

The Killamarsh Poltergeist
The Killamarsh Poltergeist

The story of a family in Killamarsh experiencing strange and unexplained events in their home.

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The Ghost Lab: Paranormal Meets Science
The Ghost Lab: Paranormal Meets Science

A critical examination of ghost hunting tools and their scientific foundations.

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