Matt Scofield

44 posts

Sometimes found in a radio studio, and always found with a torch in my hand. My love of the paranormal comes from memories of playing with my 'Ghostbusters' proton pack toy as a kid, and being terrified by BBC's infamous 'Ghostwatch'. Have my finger in a few pies, most recently writing about ghosts for a herritage trust.

Now I'm hoping to get my hands dirty and hunt some spooks for myself, mainly at organised ghost hunting events across the UK. I'm also going to be covering weird news and urban exploration features.

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Recent Posts By Matt Scofield

  • The Pantry Ghost
    December 21, 2020

    What Ever Happened To The Pantry Ghost?

    In 2007 a family started posting video of what appeared to be a ghost that haunted their pantry on YouTube. The clips attracted millions of views, but what became of the pantry ghost?

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  • Robin Bird
    December 16, 2020

    Is A Robin A Visit From The Dead?

    For many centuries, the robin has been associated with a visit from the dead. Could this be coincidence, or is this garden bird a link with another spiritual plane?

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Daily Horoscopes


If you have some floating aches and pains, headache or stomach ache right now, that is your body's way of saying "Hey! I need a break here!" Stress-related ailments and over-work are indicated in your chart. You need some extra... Read More