Latest Paranormal Articles

  • October 30, 2018

    How To Perform An Exorcism Yourself

    This guide will help develop your own meaningful ritual, which will allow you to exorcise objects, places and people in a positive and compassionate way.

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  • August 29, 2018

    Do We Have A Shared Consciousness?

    There is a growing belief with the scientific community, based on the principles of quantum field theory, that humans have a shared consciousness and that this consciousness can live on after death, giving rise to ghosts and an afterlife.

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  • April 04, 2018

    Has Anyone Ever Tried To Build A Time Machine?

    The concept of time travel has existed as myth since ancient times, and has been written about in fiction for generations, most notably in 1895 in H. G. Wells' classic novel 'The Time Machine'. With mankind's ongoing fascination with time travel, has anyone actually tried to make a time machine?

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  • April 02, 2018

    Can The Future Influence The Past?

    The Netflix series 'Dark' is based around the concept that the past doesn't just influence the future, the future influences the past. But outside the world of science fiction, is their any truth in this statement?

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Daily Horoscopes


If there is a leadership struggle in the workplace right now, be extra tactful and considerate. Don't take sides if there is a battle between the men and women, or between one male supervisor and a female supervisor. If you... Read More