Stranger Things: The Vanishing Of Will Byers Quiz

Stranger Things - The Vanishing of Will Byers - Episode 1

Have you just started your Stranger Things journey? There's eight episodes to work through, but how much can you remember about the first season's first episode, 'The Vanishing Of Will Byers?' Test your knowledge with this tricky Stranger Things season one trivia quiz.

1. Which US government agency controls the Hawkins National Laboratory?

2. What is running out the front of the Wheeler's house the first time we see it?

3. What do the gang encounter during their game of Dungeons & Dragons?

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4. How long had the gang been playing their Dungeons & Dragons campaign?

5. What is on the last slice of pizza that Dustin offer to Nancy?

6. In the note Nancy finds in her locker, where does Steve ask her to meet him?

7. What colour are the bio suits the lab workers put on before venturing down into the contaminated area?

8. When Eleven first ventures into Benny's dinner, what food does she find and eat?

9. What nickname do Mike and the gang give to the road that Will was last seen on before his disappearance?

10. What is the password to enter Will's den in the woods that he calls Castle Byers?

11. In a flashback we see Joyce discussing which new movie release with Will in his den?

12. What electrical device did Eleven shut down with her mind powers in the dinner?

13. What did the boys find in the woods while out looking for Will?


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