Stranger Things 3: The Flayed Quiz

Stranger Things Season 3 - Chapter 5

Have you made it to episode five of Stranger Things 3 journey yet? There's eight new episodes to work through, but how much can you remember about the new season's fifth episode, 'The Flayed?' Test your knowledge with this tricky Stranger Things season three trivia quiz.

1. Jonathan has a poster for which band on his bedroom wall?

2. What is the license plate of the car the Hopper "commandeers?"

3. When the gang get to Heather's house, what do they find her family have consumed?

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4. What is the name of the farm that Hopper and Joyce visit in search of the Russian conspiracy?

5. Where is the trap door to the secret basement at the farm hidden?

6. What is the name of the former journalist that Hopper takes Alexei to?

7. What cereal are the boys seen holding in Hopper's cabin with Eleven?

8. What snack does Mike buy from the vending machine at the hospital?

9. What drink does Alexei get from the gas station they find after emerging from the forest?

10. In which room of the Russian bunker does Steve actually win a fight?



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Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

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