Stranger Things 3: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard Quiz

Stranger Things Season 3 - Chapter 3

Have you made it to episode three of Stranger Things 3 journey yet? There's eight new episodes to work through, but how much can you remember about the new season's third episode, 'The Case of the Missing Lifeguard?' Test your knowledge with this tricky Stranger Things season three trivia quiz.

1. How do Max and Eleven deicide which Hawkins resident to spy on with Eleven's powers?

2. Dustin and Steve think they are following a Russian spy, but what does he turn out to be?

3. When Heather attacks her family with Billy's help during dinner, what is her father hit over the head with?

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4. What is the name of the magazine Eleven is seen reading at the start of the episode?

5. What is the name of the delivery company that delivers to the mall and makes up part of the Russian coded message?

6. What do Max and Eleven find in the dresser drawer of Billy's bedroom?

7. What song do the aerobics calls workout to at the mall?

8. Who is the stud that Eleven admires in the teen magazine she's flicking through?

9. What colour are the wizard's robes that "Will the Wise" wears?

10. What does Heather offer Eleven and Max when they intrude on her family's dinner?



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