Ghosts Sightings, Evidence & The Latest Ghostly News
June 05, 2021
In the late 19th century phantasms of the living people were more commonly reported than ghosts of the dead, so why are they no longer reported a century later?
June 01, 2021
A list of 42 famous people who say they have seen a ghost, communicated with spirits, believe in paranormal phenomenon or have lived in haunted houses.
May 29, 2021
Nottinghamshire is a county with more than its fair share of paranormal activity and a seemingly high concentration of ghost hunters on the look out for spooks.
May 17, 2021
Patrick Jackson believes a global network of invisible alien spheres is what is mistaken for ghosts by paranormal investigators at haunted locations around the world.
May 12, 2021
These are the 25 haunted locations across the UK that visitors to our paranormal pages were most interested in reading about in 2020.
May 11, 2021
Fermilab announced the results of an experiment that suggests something currently unknown to us is influencing our reality, could this unknown be an energy that gives rise to paranormal phenomenon?
May 05, 2021
You may have heard the theory that a carbon monoxide leak in the home can lead people to have paranormal-like experiences including nausea and even hallucinations, but is there any truth in this claim?
May 04, 2021
Twenty tricky questions about Manchester's haunted buildings and the city's array of famous ghosts that haunt them, how much do you know about the hauntings?
April 19, 2021
The historic city of Bristol boasts more than its fair share of ghost stories, but how much do you know about the city's paranormal past and spooky tales?
March 09, 2021
David Mitchell told viewers of the BBC comedy panel show, 'Would I Lie To You?' that ghosts "patently do not exist," before launching into a logic-fuelled rant on the paranormal.
February 24, 2021
Some paranormal investigators say that ghosts don't haunt cemeteries as they didn't actually die there, but are there any situations where a spirit will haunt its own grave?
February 19, 2021
In the 1890s in rural Greenbrier County, West Virginia, the ghost of a young woman became the first to testify in her own murder case to help convict her killer.
February 14, 2021
Relationships might end prematurely due to untimely death, an affair or murder, but these strong emotional events can leave their mark, resulting in ghost stories.
February 12, 2021
Extreme weather conditions are often blamed for a spike in paranormal activity, so could snow and ice be driving ghostly encounters with spirits and hauntings?
January 13, 2021
Ten creepy locations across the UK that every ghost hunter should visit at least once to conduct and paranormal investigation to test its haunted reputation.
December 07, 2020
Great Britain is steeped in history with England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales each having their own grim past and boasting plenty of ghost stories.
December 04, 2020
Can mobile phone apps offering ghost hunting tools duplicate the functionality of the physical devices commonly used during paranormal investigations?
December 03, 2020
One of the biggest unknowns amongst ghost hunters, it throws into question many of the common beliefs that paranormal investigators share.
November 27, 2020
Five of the most famous paranormal hotspots in the UK, which you can visit as part of a family day out and learn about their haunted histories and ghost stories.
November 21, 2020
It's not uncommon to hear investigators on ghost hunts report that their equipment has mysteriously died due to its batteries' charge being suddenly drained.