Is This Leaked Interview With An Alien Really A Message From Outer Space?

In July 2016 a five minute video was posted on YouTube which was alleged to show an interrogation between an extraterrestrial life form and a US military officer which was carried out in 1964 as part of Project Blue Book.

July 31, 2017
This page is more than seven years old.
The origins of the video are a little unclear. There are some unsubstantiated claims that the video is taken from a VHS tape produced in the late 90s. Others claim the video goes back even further - possibly as far as the 1980s or even 1960s.

All we know for sure is that the video first surfaced some time before 1997, when a documentary called 'Area 51: The Alien Interview' was released that featured the alien interview in its entirety.

However, it wasn't until the video was first shared publicly online in 2016 that it gained global attention. Within a few days, it went viral in the UFO community as ufologists debated whether the alien in the clip, named "EBE-3," was the real deal or whether the whole thing was another hoax like Ray Santilli's 1995 Roswell alien autopsy video.

According to 'Area 51: The Alien Interview', the footage of EBE-3 was leaked by an anonymous insider known only as "Victor." It's alleged that EBE-3 was held captive for five days before disappearing on the day the video was made.

During the course of the interview, it becomes apparent that the being isn't of extraterrestrial origin at all, he has actually travelled back in time from Earth's future and is in fact an evolutionary descendant of humans. He claims that his ancestors were the few humans who survived a nuclear war, which the alien says will occur in our near future.

Below is a complete transcript of interview which is just over four minutes in duration.
OK, we're recording. State planet of origin.
OK, yesterday you told us you traveled, and I quote 'thousands of lightyears' to get here.
Tell us the truth.
It is truth. I am from Earth, from your future. To travel in time is to travel in space. Offset spacial divergence.
So, I take it aliens took over out future, right?
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So you're human?
An evolutionary descendant.
OK, so you evolved from us?
So, what are you doing here now?
Observing, since evidence was destroyed.
Nuclear war. Small numbers survived, our ancestors.
OK, so, how about we concentrate on your time?
You are not capable of comprehending or accepting the discoveries of my time.
Try me.
The origin of the universe, the nature of so called life, it is known.
Wait, so you know the meaning of life?
Not meaning, nature.
What's the difference?
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Meaning is something that is ascribed. Nature is the objective reality.
So, you know how the universe is created?
So, you've seen God?
We evolved past a need for superstition, the need for a God, and other myths.
OK, so illuminate us. Umm, what happens when we die?
Death is a human construct, it does not exist. You will experience and have experienced every instance of so called life. You. Me. Him. We are instances of the same life, separated by what you call death.
OK, so, let me get this straight. There's no death and we all experience each other's lives, right?
In essence, yes.
OK, so, how was the universe created and why is it so perfectly made for us?
There are infinite numbers of universes each with different physical properties. Virtually all do not support life such as you know it. We exist in a universe that does support so called life. That is all.
Moving on. OK, so why do we destroy ourselves with nuclear war?
Uh, can you be more specific please.
Political and religious dogma. It is the root of all major conflict of your species. In your next century access to weapons of mass destruction by states that are ruled by dogma will destroy your species.
OK, one last thing. What about morality? What do you base your morality on?
Compassion and evidence.
I see. OK, that's it. Thank you.
Many who have seen the video have commented saying that whether it's real or fake, the message the being is delivering is a great insight.

Personally, if this were real I'd be annoyed that the interviewer wasted his time asking the alien about God and the meaning of life. A better line of questioning would have been "can we prevent what's going to happen to us?" or trying to probe the alien for information relating to cleaner energy or faster ways of travelling.

As it turns out the video is, of course, a fake and you only needed to click on to the uploader's channel on YouTube to discover a whole host of previous special effects work, much of which relates to UFO and aliens.

Isaac Koi, the UFO researcher who uncovered the video as a fake said, "I find it somewhat bemusing that anyone could have spent five minutes watching the video but not bother spending one minute looking into the uploader of the video, which would easily reveal these facts. I’m regularly bemused by the conduct of some people in ufology. So many things within ufology are the basis of speculation when a little bit of work reveals relevant facts. This applies to government documents in various archives as much as it does to 'UFO' videos on Youtube."


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