7 Most Underrated Paranormal Horror Movies

We've all seen the big blockbusters like, 'The Conjuring,' 'The Others,' 'Insidious,' 'Poltergeist,' and 'The Amityville Horror' but aside from the big budget Hollywood horrors, there are plenty of other creepy movies which are worth a watch at Halloween.

October 17, 2017
This page is more than seven years old.

7. 'Ghosthunters' (2016)

'Ghosthunters' is almost a mock-buster, it seems it was only released when it was to compete with the new 'Ghostbusters' movie. It's clearly a low budget movie, but if you like the paranormal it's actually OK. It's packed full of fun pseudoscience ghost hunting kit, it has a few jumps, a scary baddy, and the story is alright.

6. 'The Cabin In The Woods' (2012)

Cabin In The Woods
'The Cabin In The Woods' was a well known movie, but the reason it's on the list is because the twist in this movie is so huge that you could be mistaken for thinking the film is something it isn't. The movie starts out like a really stereotypical lost teen gory horror, but before long the true nature of the movie is revealed and you'll never guess what it is.

5. 'Chernobyl Diaries' (2012)

Chernobyl Diaries
This movie has been slated a lot and it's one that might have passed you by in the cinema but if you like horror movies then there's a chance you might like this. If blood and gore is your thing they you might not like this movie, as it's more about what you don't see being even scarier then what you do see, most of the fear and drama in this film comes from the isolated and creepy setting.

4. 'Ouija: Origin Of Evil' (2016)

Ouija: Origin of Evil
'Origin Of Evil' is the prequel to the 2014 movie, 'Ouija' and this movie actually out performs the original for scares. If you're trying to avoid jump scares, then this movie isn't for you as it's packed full of them. If you've ever dabbled with a Ouija board or the paranormal and want to know what the worst that can happen is, then skip the first movie and go straight to this one.

3. 'Ghostbusters' (2016)

Of course you can't have failed to hear about the release of the new 'Ghostbusters' movie, but box office numbers weren't anywhere near as good as this film deserved making it an underrated paranormal movie of the highest degree. Unfortunately for director Paul Feig, the movie's trailer quickly became the most disliked trailer of all time, despite the fact that the movie was great. People slated this movie unfairly before they even saw it, but if you like the paranormal then you should see it.

2. 'Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones' (2014)

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
'Paranormal Activity' is of course a huge movie franchise, but the Latino spin-off which was released between the last two films is actually one of the strongest in the series. The movie delves into the past of coven of witches which has ruined the lives of the families featured in the other movies, and even involved time travel back to the first movie.

1. 'Grave Encounters' (2011)

Grave Encounters
'Grave Encounters' never had a big cinema release, it's one of those underground cult classic which has grown in popularity over time. The movie is based around the hundred of paranormal TV where ghost hunters investigate haunted locations. For this reason, you need to be open minded when you start watching this movie, as the first ten minutes or so shows cheesy footage from the fictional ghost hunting show. These clips are intentionally cheesy, and once real paranormal activity starts the bravado and cheesy act for the television cameras are replaced by real fear.


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