Charlene Lowe Kemp's Triple Award Victory

December 09, 2019 9:10 PM ‐ ParanormalAwards

This article is more than five years old.

Charlene Lowe Kemp - Paranormal Hauntings

Charlene Lowe Kemp, the founder of the online paranormal investigation team Paranormal Hauntings, has won a total of three awards in this year's Paranormal Entertainment Awards, giving her more wins than any other individual.

Charlene picked up a gold in the Best Paranormal Blogger category for her posts on the Paranormal Hauntings website, but also won two silver awards. One for Best Paranormal Magazine and the other for Best Online Ghost Hunter.

Charlene was awarded gold after winning the public vote in the blogger category and fighting off tough competition from Amanda Woolmer (Spook Eats), Hayley Stevens (Hayley Is A Ghost), and Vicky Grant (Dead Central), who won the silver award. But Charlene was pipped to the post by Haunted Magazine in the magazine category.
The reason behind Charlene's success is clear to see. Her and her team have amassed a huge following on Facebook, and with a promise of no click bait posts and no over-the-top dramatics, followers know they will get nothing but honest investigators bringing them what they believe to be real evidence.

The team made headlines earlier in the year when they were left asking the question "would you know if you came face to face with a ghost?" due to an odd encounter that occurred after a ghost hunt in a disused railway tunnel. The team saw a man with a torch, who moments later vanished in front of their eyes.

After the incident, the girls jumped in their cars and drove somewhere safe and resumed their live stream to tell their audience what had just happened. They all look shaken by the series of events, especially Charlene who literally looked like she'd just seen a ghost.

Extending her paranormal offerings even further, this month Charlene has launched a new Paranormal Hauntings ITC app, developed by Brian Holloway. The free app combines a random phonetics generator with a realtime audio feedback loop. The hope is that the device will enable investigators to make contact with spirits. You can get the app now on the Google Play Store.

Of course, Charlene wasn't the only winner in this year's awards. The annual online event racked up almost 60,000 votes from fans of the paranormal, voting across the 15 categories, including everything from individual ghost hunter, through to movies, TV shows and haunted locations.

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