This page is more than seven years old.
1. There's At Least Three Clones Of Russian President Vladimir Putin
This is one of the strangest conspiracy theories I've seen for a while. Not because it's that unusual for their to be rumours that a prominent world leader has body doubles, or even clones. There's a rumour going round for example that there's a whole fleet of Hillary Clintons. What makes the rumour about Vladimir Putin is more unusual is that conspiracy theorist have focussed on the Russian leader's ears in order to prove their theory.
Last week an image was posted on Twitter which shows multiple close-up shots of Putin's right ear which appear too look completely different and therefore prove that Putin uses body doubles. Apparently the fact that the three Putins aren't identical doesn't rule out cloning as apparently details like the folds of skin on the ear can often be influenced by epigenetics as well as regular genetics.
One conspiracy nuts discussing the theory on a forum said, "the rumour is that there are two Obamas so it wouldn't surprise me if there were two Putins also."
2. The Floppy Door That Proves NASA's Space Walks Are Faked
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One online conspiracy theorist has spotted something odd during one of NASA's live video streams from the International Space Station which he says proves that the whole space program is fake.
Of course this all stems back to the belief that moon landing was faked and that the US government has been lying to us about our missions into space ever since.
This latest space-based conspiracy revolves around the door of the ISS which appears to be flimsy and weak, it's been likened to a tent door. Looking at the video you can understand why someone might have jumped to this conclusion, but is this really what we're seeing here?
Well, of course now. The flapping white circular panel is actually a thermal cover, not an airlock door. The actual outer hatch, which is strong enough to withstand the pressure differential with the vacuum of space, is behind the thermal cover and opens inwards.
3. Beyoncé Is Actually The Mother Of Solange
A crazy theory from the world of music next and one of the most successful female artists of all time, Beyoncé Knowles. You mat be aware of her sister, Solange. But some people claim that the pair aren't siblings at all and that Solange is actually Beyoncé's daughter.
This conspiracy has actually been knocking around for a while but it started to resurface and gain traction towards the end of 2017. Beyoncé is currently 36-years-old, while Solange is younger at 31. So, that would mean that Beyoncé was just five when she gave birth to Solange, how does that work?
Well, the story goes that Beyoncé is actually a little older than claimed, they think the star was born in 1974 making her 44. Apparently this is based on something that actress Gabrielle Union once said in an interview. She claimed that she and Beyoncé were friends "as teenagers."
The theory is that Beyoncé got pregnant and had a baby at the age of just 14, so the family covered it up by pretending Solange was actually the child of Mathew and Tina, Beyoncé's parents.
4. The Earth Is Hollow
This is nothing new, this mad theory has existed for centuries, with claims that the Earth is full of everything from Nazis to aliens. The pseudoscientific concept proposes that Earth is hollow, the theory has been dismissed since at least the late-18th century, but it is a common story none the less.
The concept of an entirely hollow planet or one that contains a substantial interior space, has popped up in folklore and as the backbone for works of fiction for decades. But now it seems a whole new generation of "truth seekers" are reviving the claims.
All this dates back to 1947 when one man, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, claimed to have flown "beyond the North Pole" and 1700 miles into a hollow which lead him to a green and lush in the centre of our planet. It's said that nine years later he embarked on a similar journey at the South Pole and once again entered into the hollow.
On his second trip, the Rear Admiral was met by flying machines, the likes of which he'd never seen before and was welcomed into the hollow Earth city of Agharta.
5. Bitcoin Was Created By The Government To Fund Secret Intelligence Missions
Unlike most of the wacky conspiracies on this list, this rumour seems to come from someone credible, a cybersecurity expert called Natalya Kaspersky. While giving a presentation in Russia she shared a slide with the audience that said, "Bitcoin is a project of American intelligence agencies, which was designed to provide quick funding for US, British and Canadian intelligence activities in different countries."
The slides was captured by members of the audience on camera and shared online, as well as claims that Satoshi Nakamoto, who is credited with creating the currency, is in fact a codename for a collective of US cryptographers. She said, "the technology is 'privatised,' just like the Internet, GPS and TOR. In fact, it is dollar 2.0. Its rate is controlled by the owners of exchanges."
6. The Military Are Lying To The Public About The Existence Of Alien Alloys
Last year the details were published in the New York Times of a $22 million US military project which was set up to investigate
UFOs and even included details of secret buildings in Las Vegas where they stored metal alloys "recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena." You'd think ufologists would love this story, but they're not buying it. They think the whole story is part of a false flag operation.
So what do the conspiracy theorists really think is going on? Well, they believe that these claims that suggest the military have alien alloys are the first part of a program called "Project Blue Beam," which they claim will see NASA and the United Nations simulate an extraterrestrial invasion using holograms.
7. Earth Was Saved From A Major Meteor Collision By Alien Visitors
A mammoth 20 meter meteor exploded over Russia in 2013, it more than 1,000 people in and around the town of Chelyabinsk. The incident could have been much worse had the the astral body been bigger... or if an alien civilisation hadn't have stepped in.
Some conspiracy theorists believe that an extra terrestrial race had predicted Earth's impending doom and intercepted it. The theory has come from evidence spotted in a video which they think shows an object colliding with the meteor. The mystery object is seen to fly into the meteorite, it then explodes and falls to the ground.
8. Bitcoin Is Part Of A Calculate Plan To Bring On A Financial Collapse
Last year was an interesting one for the crytpocurrency Bitcoin, its value sharply rose before drastically dropping. This has lead some conspiracy theorists to believe that the elite are using the currency to attempt to bankrupt the poor by triggering a global financial crash.
YouTuber Jeff Berwick believes that every single financial collapse has been engineered by elitists and governments, he says that people will pump trillions of dollars into the currency, it will eventually reach a threshold before plummeting bringing on financial collapse.
The belief is that Bitcoin will crash, either by design or under its own weight so that the global elitists and governments can implement their own cryptocurrency, and again control the supply of currency.
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