Cryptozoology Guess The Year Quiz

September 15, 2024 1:00 AM ‐ GamesParanormal
Loch Ness Monster
From legendary creatures to groundbreaking discoveries, we've compiled a collection of key moments that have captivated cryptozoologists and the curious alike. Your task is to match each cryptid sighting or significant event with the correct year, testing your knowledge of the mysterious world of hidden creatures.

1. The infamous 'Surgeon's Photograph' is taken, allegedly showing the Loch Ness Monster and becoming one of the most famous cryptozoological hoaxes. What was the year?

2. The term "cryptozoology" is coined by Belgian-French zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans, and his foundational book 'On the Track of Unknown Animals' is published. What was the year?

3. A strange carcass, dubbed the "Montauk Monster", washes ashore in New York, causing media frenzy and wild cryptid speculation. What was the year?

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4. Two couples in Point Pleasant, West Virginia report the first sighting of the Mothman, describing a tall, winged creature with glowing red eyes. What was the year?

5. In an early episode of 'The X-Files', Mulder and Scully investigate a series of attacks believed to be linked to the Jersey Devil. What was the year?

6. Captain Crum reports seeing a massive creature in Bulwagga Bay, New York, which was later associated with the legend of Champ. What was the year?

7. Jules Verneโ€™s novel 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea' is published, introducing giant sea creatures and adding to the fascination with mysterious marine life. What was the year?

8. A British Royal Navy ship, HMS Daedalus, reports seeing a 10-metre sea serpent off the coast of Africa, sparking widespread interest in marine cryptids. What was the year?

9. A strange, gorilla-like creature dubbed "Jacko" is reportedly captured near Yale, British Columbia, marking an early written account of a Sasquatch. What was the year?

10. 'The Legend of Boggy Creek', a film based on the Fouke Monster, a Bigfoot-like creature, is released and becomes a cult classic. What was the year?

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11. Loren Coleman publishes 'Mysterious America', introducing many regional cryptids and contributing to the growth of the cryptozoological community. What was the year?

12. A businessman in Ohio reports seeing three humanoid creatures with frog faces near Loveland, in what becomes known as the Loveland Frogman sighting. What was the year?

13. The Zuiyo-maru Carcass, initially thought to be a plesiosaur, is pulled up by a Japanese fishing vessel, though it is later identified as a decomposing basking shark. What was the year?

14. Two cowboys in Arizona claim to have shot a giant bird with a six-metre wingspan, believed by some to be a Thunderbird. What was the year?

15. The most famous footage of an alleged Bigfoot, filmed by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin, is captured in Bluff Creek, California. What was the year?

16. Large footprints are discovered by a bulldozer operator in Bluff Creek, California, reigniting public interest in Bigfoot. What was the year?

17. The Megamouth Shark is discovered, supporting the idea that large, unknown species could still exist in the ocean. What was the year?

18. The first reported sighting of the Chupacabra occurs in Puerto Rico, with livestock found drained of blood. What was the year?

19. The Beast of Bodmin Moor investigation is conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food after a spike in large cat sightings, but no conclusive evidence is found. What was the year?

20. A team led by Professor Neil Gemmell conducts a DNA survey of Loch Ness, concluding that large eels could explain Nessie sightings. What was the year?


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