Fakes, Hoaxes & Debunked Paranormal Claims Quiz

December 04, 2024
Classic UFO Photo
Classic UFO Photo
Test your knowledge of famous cases, iconic images, and legendary claims that turned out to have less-than-mystical explanations. Throughout history, sceptics, investigators, and even confessions from those involved have revealed some of the most infamous hoaxes, but how much do you know about these legendary fakes and misinterpretations of supernatural cases?

1. Which poltergeist case was admitted to be a hoax by the children involved?

2. The Cottingley Fairies were eventually revealed to be what?

3. The famous knocking sounds in the Fox Sisters' séances were later revealed to be created by what?

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4. Which famous "ghost voice" is widely theorised to have been a hoax involving ventriloquism by a young girl?

5. What evidence has cast doubt on the Lutz family's claims about the Amityville Horror?

6. The "Surgeon's Photograph" of the Loch Ness Monster was revealed to be what?

7. Who was responsible for faking the infamous "Roswell Alien Autopsy" footage released in the 1990s?

8. What skeptical explanation was given for the "crying boy" paintings’ association with house fires?

9. Who famously debunked the claims of psychic spoon-bending?

10. Which famous alleged haunting involved Harry Price and was later criticised for exaggerated claims?

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11. Which cryptid hoax involved a "sea monster" hauled up by a fishing vessel off the coast of New Zealand, later identified as a decomposing basking shark?

12. What skeptical explanation has been proposed for the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film from 1967?

13. What was the true purpose of the debris recovered during the 1947 Roswell incident?

14. Who famously dedicated his career to debunking fraudulent mediums in the early 20th century?

15. In the 1960s Rosenheim Poltergeist case, what was suggested by skeptics as a possible cause for the mysterious phone malfunctions?

16. What did Tina Resch use to fake poltergeist activity in her famous 1984 case?

17. What clue revealed the truth behind the famous McMinnville UFO photographs?

18. What debunked the claims of ghostly lights at the Marfa Lights in Texas?

19. What hoax did Spiritualist medium Mina "Margery" Crandon use during séances to produce “ectoplasm”?

20. Which famous cryptid video was debunked when it was revealed to be a staged hoax?


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