How The COVID-19 Roadmap To Freedom Will Allow Ghost Hunting To Safely Resume

How England's four step plan to exit the coronavirus lockdown will allow paranormal teams to get back to normal and let public ghost hunting events resume.

March 08, 2021
Ghost Hunting During COVID-19 Pandemic
Ghost Hunting During COVID-19 Pandemic
This page is more than three years old.
It feels like every few weeks we've published an update on how government guidelines to help combat the coronavirus pandemic affects the paranormal world. With the latest four-step plan to freedom, we're hoping this is the last time we'll need to write such an article.

Boris Johnson's gradual roadmap for the reopening of England comes into effect today and will see COVID-19 restrictions further eased over the next few months.

Although the four steps were announced two weeks ago and each step has a date attached, the whole plan is underpinned by a checklist of four key criteria that have to be met before moving onto the next step of reopening. These criteria are the continued success of the vaccine roll-out, evidence of the vaccine's effectiveness, a reduction in the rise of new cases, and that no new variants emerge which pose a new risk.

If all these criteria are met before each step, then lockdowns and restrictions will start to be lifted in the coming weeks and months. This means paranormal events companies will finally be able to begin to think about resuming their events, and private investigation teams will be able to meet for ghost hunts again.

Below are the key points and dates which are relevant to ghost hunting teams and events, and what is allowed from each date, but read on for a more detailed breakdown:

March 8 - Outdoor investigations consisting of no more than two people in a public space local to your home.

March 29 - Outdoor investigations of up to six people in a public space or private garden, this should be local to your home where possible.

April 12 - 'Stay local' rule ends allowing outdoors ghost hunts of six people to take place further away from home.

May 17 - Indoor investigations with teams of up to six people. Possible return of some limited-attendance public events with precautions in place.

June 21 - All restrictions on private team investigations and public ghost hunting events completely lifted.

The restrictions that have been in place up until now govern the activities of all paranormal teams, and all teams should be following the new guidelines laid out in each of the four steps as they come into play.

The only exception to these rules are for professional television productions working in a COVID-secure environment. This means investigators and crew as part of a shoot can work together with strict precautions in place including regular testing and physical distancing through work bubbles.

March 8 - Step 1

Not much changes for ghost hunters today, but it is the first big step for the wider world. Kids go back to school and for the first time this year we're allowed to meet someone from outside our household socially.

As of today you are allowed to meet one-on-one outside in public spaces for recreational purposes, this means you could join with one other fellow investigator in a public outdoor location for an investigation. Until now we've only been allowed to meet outdoors for exercise. Now you're able to leave home to meet someone socially for a reason other than exercise.

This means that group investigations and ghost hunts inside any location are still out of the question. It should also be noted that the guidelines state that we should still be staying at home as much as possible, so investigations should be conducted at outdoor locations close to your home.

March 29 - Step 1

From the end of the month up to six people from different households are allowed to meet outside. This can also be two households or a support bubble who together might total more than six people. This means you can once again meet with your paranormal team, as long as there are no more than six people, or two households.

You will once again be able to investigate as a team, but meetings are only allowed outside in public spaces or private gardens. Indoor investigations will not be possible.

However, the 'stay at home' guidance will be dropped from this date, which means there will be some loosening in how far you can travel to meet with your team. Although the guidelines still recommend staying local as much as possible, there will be no fines or punishment for driving for a few hours for an outdoors investigation.

The Department of Health and Social Care have defined 'local' by stating, "people should be sensible, you should stay local in the village, town, or part of the city where you live – unless there is a justifiable reason not to do so."
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April 12 - Step 2

The big news is that from mid-April pubs will start serving outdoors and offering takeaway pints. Staycations will be allowed, but only for one household or support bubble in self-contained accommodation as mixing indoors will still not be permitted.

Good news for drinkers, campers and those wanting a weekend getaway, but how about ghost hunters?

The good news is that the government's advice to stay local will end from this date. This means you'll be able to travel further to conduct an investigation. However the rules on how many people are allowed to gather does not change and the gathering still cannot take place indoors.

May 17 - Step 3

The next big change for ghost hunters comes in May when for the first time in months, groups of six people from different households will be allowed to meet indoors. Again, this can also be two households or a support bubble who together might total more than six people.

We will also see entertainment venues, including cinemas and theatres reopen, pubs and restaurants will welcome customers back inside, and hotels and B&Bs can open.

But the big news is that indoor events can resume for up to 1,000 people or 50% of their normal capacity, whichever is lower. This means we could see the return of some public ghost hunting events in COVID-secure locations with precautions and potential limits on numbers in place.

Private paranormal teams of up to six people will once again be able to meet indoors to carry out paranormal investigations. This should be done safely with precautions including face coverings and social distancing in place.

June 21 - Step 4

The plan is that by June things will be as close to normal as possible, even venues such as nightclubs can finally reopen. This means that all restrictions on private team investigations and public ghost hunting events should be completely lifted.


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