Photo: pixabay.com

Photo: pixabay.com
This page is more than six years old.
This isn't the first time I've been invited to join The Illuminati and it's not the first time I've replied to an offer and had a discussion with a real member of the actual Illuminati.
As always, the initial invite was posted in a comment on my website... as you'd expect. The spammy message gave a number to contact via WhatsApp, so I thought I'd get in touch and see what they had to offer and see if I have what it takes to join their ranks.
The comment was posted by a Facebook user named James Tracy, and it read as follows:
Are you a business man or woman, political, musician, student, the you want to be rich, famous, powerful
in life, join the Illuminate brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 1million dollars in a week, and a free home. any where you choose to live in this world and also get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI.
1. A Cash Reward of USD $500,000 USD
2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD
3. A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.
5. One year Golf Membership package
6. A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
7. A total Lifestyle change
8. Access to Bohemian Grove
9. Monthly payment of $1,000,000 usd into your bank account every month as a member
10. One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World
If you are interested email: barryilluminati66@gmail.com us now OR call mr Barry now on this number +(234)08141804288 OR WhatsApp him on +(234)08141804288.
Higgypop: Hello, is this Mr Barry?
Mr Barry: Yes, how are you doing?
Higgypop: Ah hello, I am good thanks. And firstly, may I ask how are you?
Mr Barry: I am fine. How many I help you piz
Higgypop: Great. And first of all may I say, Mr Barry, what is your first name? And how are you today?
Mr Barry: How many I help you piz
Higgypop: I saw your message about joining the Illuminate club and wondered if it was a real offer.
Mr Barry: Ok, are you really interested to join the illuminati?
Higgypop: Yes, if it's a real offer, then yes.
Mr Barry: OK, send me this details now
Full name:
Your picture:
Monthly income:
Your purpose of joining the illuminati:
Higgypop: OK, but please can you tell me your first name so I know who I am talking to please?
Mr Barry: My name is Mr Barry
Higgypop: Oh, that's a bit vague. Why can't you tell me your full name? I'm not really happy handing over all my details if you are as cagey as a fox.
Mr Barry: James Barry
Higgypop: Great, thanks. Nice to meet you James, and firstly, may I ask how are you today?
Mr Barry: Fine
Higgypop: Here are the details you requested...
Full name: Stephen Elizabeth Higgins
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Wales
State: Happy
Your picture: Attached
Occupation: Mechanic
Monthly income: £3,400
Your purpose of joining the illuminati: I am interested in killing/sacrificing celebrities
Mr Barry: Are you really interested to join the illuminati
Higgypop: Yes ma'am!
Mr Barry: Ok, send me your pic now.
Higgypop: What sort of photo would you like? Clothed? Naked? Just my head/facial area?
Mr Barry: Send me one of your picture
Higgypop: WOW! Are all Illuminati members so rude and abrupt???
Higgypop: Here you go, it's from my holiday in Spain in 2017.

Higgypop: My hair is a bit longer now and a whole lot more greyer LOL (laughing online)
Mr Barry: Ok
Higgypop: No LOL also? Mr Barry Grump Pants!
Mr Barry: Notice
1. Don't let anybody no that you are a member of illuminati or the freemason
2. You will meet the top people in the world and also work with them
3. If you are a member of illuminati, there is know going back
4. Even if you are a member, you can still live your normal life
5. Welcome to the place we're every body want to be
Higgypop: Sorry, there are a few typos there, do you need some help?
Mr Barry: No. Now you have to repeat this with a voice note record.
I receive the Illuminati as my life, my mentor, my hope.
I shall keep the secret to my self, no body shall no about it.
I remain to be an Illuminati till I die, I shall make money upon still I die, and if go back my gods of Illuminati kill me.
now take this oath and send it back....ok
Higgypop: That text you sent doesn't make sense. Can I change it so that it's better English?
Mr Barry: Ok
Higgypop: Thanks.
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Barry then sent me a video of a man called Daniel Turner reading one of the bad Illuminati scripts. I'm not sure why he sent it to me, but I'm pretty sure the guy in the video was also trying to waste this scammer's time. I haven't posted the video here for privacy reason. But, Daniel, if you're reading this, please get in touch.
Higgypop: Who is Daniel Turner?!?! Did you send that by mistake?
Mr Barry: Yes is one of us
Higgypop: Why did you send it to me? I thought you said we have to keep it secret? Why are you exposing Daniel Turner?
Mr Barry: Is because you are now one of us
Higgypop: Oh cool, thanks. That was easy.
Higgypop: Nice talking with you and thanks very much for your help. Have a good day x
Mr Barry: You are not yet done with us first you have to do your initiation
Higgypop: Oh then you shouldn't have told me about Daniel
Mr Barry: Are you ready for the initiation now
Higgypop: Yes ma'am
Mr Barry: Ok, so how can you get the money to buy items for us to be able to initiate you? I promise two days after your initiation your riches famous and powerful you have already will be establish by the gram master him self and the donation money will be giving to you for you to start up a business
Higgypop: What items? You haven't mentioned any items, also GRAM master, haha! Do you mean GRAND Master??
Mr Barry: Day are the items for your initiation to become a full member of the great illuminati
Higgypop: Day? Oh you mean THEY? Haha!
Mr Barry: Thank for the correction
Higgypop: You're welcome ma'am. Please can you send me the details of the initiation process?
Mr Barry: to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
The items that will be used for your initiation will cost you $2,000 and after paying the fee you will be link
up with someone in your country who will do your initiation for you to become a full member of the great Illuminati and in the day of you initiation some amount of money will be given to you and a new car for you to start your own life and you will also link up with some top people in your country and also outside your country just try and do it okay and become a full member of the Illuminati.
Higgypop: What does forward print delete show mean? Sorry I don't understand. Your message is very badly written. $2,000 is fine, but I don't want a new car. I just want to be able to kill celebrities.
Mr Barry: A car is what we have. But what will give is power fame riches it will be up to you what to do with them after your initiation
Higgypop: God I'm excited! What do I do to get things started?
Mr Barry: We see with one eye we don't talk much
Higgypop: What are you talking about??? I asked what I need to do to start the initiation.
Mr Barry: Examples... Let me volk some spirit right away to confirm if your initiation will granted
Higgypop: Volk? That's not a real word. What do you mean?
Mr Barry: Dead but still leaving, never been a real word
Higgypop: Volk means dead but still living? What are you talking about? Why are you telling me this?
Mr Barry: I am only saying you that to know what you want to involve your self with
Higgypop: I'll ask again... what do I need to do to start the initiation?
Mr Barry: You have to first take an oath with me
Higgypop: Right
Mr Barry: That you are not hear to take our real deep secret to the world
Higgypop: Not HERE you mean?
Mr Barry: Let like I said dead but still leaving, nothing is real
Higgypop: WHAT? You're not making sense! What do I need to do to start the initiation?
Mr Barry: Follow instructions
Higgypop: Give me some instructions then!
Mr Barry: Oath I said
Higgypop: Yes, I read about the oath...
Mr Barry: You record the oath on your voice for the confirmation of your initiation
Higgypop: OK, but you need to give me the oath!
Mr Barry:
Aspirating Illuminati membership oath.
You are to make an AUDIO record of the 7-oath statements below
The AUDIO of your oath shall be submitted in our temple in the gathering of the great twelve heads (great world leaders) and played before the twelve heads and the great lord for approval. Try as much as you can to be loud while taking your oath.
We hope to hear from you as soon as possible
i. I will guide the course of the Illuminati with my heart 🔺
ii. I will keep the secrets of illuminati personal🔺
iii. I will be my brother's keeper🔺
iv. I will be ready to perform the necessary initiation ritual🔺
v. A year after my membership I will bring a minimum of three members into the illuminati.🔺
vi. I will never undo this step I have taken today🔺
vii. If I fail to comply with the terms I have taken ,may it cost me the wealth fame and power I received 🔺
Thaddeus Iam
Higgypop: Who is Thaddeus Iam?
Mr Barry: That is grand master
Higgypop: Rang dang diggedy dang di-dang!
Higgypop: I hope that is ok sub master. It's difficult to hold down the record button with blood on my fingers.
Mr Barry: That is the oath dear
Higgypop: Thank you my love
Higgypop: That was fun, what is the next step please sir?
Mr Barry: Dear Brother, thanks you for agreeing to Illuminati Terms and Conditions. We are glad you are ready to become a Faithful Servant to lucifer
Higgypop: Lucifer? The Devil???
Higgypop: You really should have mentioned you're a Satanic organisation before you gave me the oath! You worship the Devil?
Mr Barry: Illuminati is what they call the 666
Higgypop: So you worship the Devil?
Mr Barry: Forget about those talk
Higgypop: No, it's important. I need to know. You said this is important.
Mr Barry: After your initiation you will understand and know what I mean
Higgypop: Yes ma'am
Mr Barry: Next step, you will send the item money to mother licifer
Higgypop: Who is mother licifer?
Mr Barry: For the preparation of your you initiation.
Higgypop: But who is mother licifer?
Mr Barry: The only woman among men that is more than the word that we get initiation items for. You can as well recall the oath you took, you will know everything you need to know in the temple.
Higgypop: Where is the temple? Is there one near me?
Mr Barry: Every body is around you, dead but still living
Higgypop: OK good, because I won't be able to go there for some time as I am currently in prison for murder.
Higgypop: Hang on! What?? Dead but still living? Do you mean ghosts? Because I don't believe in ghosts.
Mr Barry: What is ghost, it a greeting to a brother hood
Higgypop: Right...
Mr Barry: Like I told you will know everything from the grand master at the temple. Next step
Higgypop: Yes, next step. Hit me with it, brother!
Mr Barry: You will send the money for the item to the mother lucifer for your item
Higgypop: Ohhh, mother lucifer.... you said licifer before. OK, how do I send it?
Higgypop: Also, I can't go to the temple, I am in prison.
Mr Barry: There are temple every where even inside the prison
Higgypop: Oh OK.... it must be well hidden. So how do I send the money my lord?
Mr Barry: Through western union or western union money tranfer or to her direct account
Higgypop: It'll have to be direct.... we don't have a Western Union Money Gram station in the prison. Wester Union is mostly used by criminals and fraudsters... imagine if they had one in the prisons!! HAHA! The prison would be as all those scum in Nigeria who scam people!
Mr Barry: Focus piz
Higgypop: Can you let me know the direct account details then please, sir?
Mr Barry: Here
Account Name: CADRANE JOSH
Account Number: 84-308-376
IBAN: TR36-0001-0026-4684-3083-7650-02
Bank Address: 2646-RADAR-YENIBOSNA-branch, istanbul Turkey
Swift Code: TCZBTR2AX
Mr Barry: When you are through sending the money give me an immediate alert, and are you sending now?
Higgypop: I should be able to go to the library at 4pm o'clock British London time and I have access to a full computing system there which is capable of performing complex banking transactions.
Mr Barry: Like I said are you sending right away?
Higgypop: Well, no. Like I said, idiot, it'll be at 4pm o'clock British London time. That's 90 minutes time. Who is Cadrane Josh?
Mr Barry: The woman that sells the items we are getting for your initiation
Higgypop: OK great, she sounds nice
Higgypop: I heard the Illuminati were responsible for Justin Bieber's murder. Is that true?
Mr Barry: Dear enough
Higgypop: Huh, we cannot talk?
Mr Barry: Not yet till after your initiation.
Higgypop: Hmmmm you seem rude. I'm not sure I want to go ahead if people in the Illuminati are like you. I think I've changed my mind, you seemed friendly to start with.
Mr Barry: I told you after your initiation you will know and see every thing for your self
Higgypop: Candy Farmer went "stern Norman" when the bobbies copped the look on his Cleveland banger!
Mr Barry: You said in 90 minutes right
Higgypop: It is less than 90 minutes now, time has progressed in your favour. It is now only 73 minutes.
Higgypop: 72 minutes
Higgypop: I can't wait to get out of my cell!
Mr Barry: After you have payed that to the mother Lucifer you can as well then ask any thing.
Higgypop: The first thing I'm going to do, after I pay Master Cadrane Josh, is rip a new asshole in Martin Dunlop.
Mr Barry: And your initiation will comment immediatel
Higgypop: So Master Cadrane Josh is mother Lucifer?
Mr Barry: Yes
Higgypop: But I am in prison, how will you initiate me here? I only get of my cell for four hours a day
Mr Barry: How many time will I tell you.
Higgypop: I don't know. Six? How many times would you like to tell me?
Mr Barry: Until you are initiated you will know everything always
Higgypop: 67 minutes
Higgypop: So after I am initiated I will know nothing? But before then I will know everything?
Higgypop: 65 minutes
Higgypop: 64 minutes
Higgypop: 63 minutes
Higgypop: I am so excited to get out of my cell. Warden said if I am well behaved he'll let me buff his shoes.
Higgypop: 62 minutes
Mr Barry: Do you know, a conferternity called boddies, monk, hiddus, they are all under us
Higgypop: No, I don't know what you mean
Mr Barry: They are secret court
Higgypop: I don't know what a conferternity is. And boddies and monk? A monk is a person, a singular person.
Mr Barry: But they are nothing without us
Higgypop: I think you're confused, a monk is a MAN! Do you means monkS in general? All monks? You mean monasteries?
Higgypop: 60 minutes
Mr Barry: After your inititiation you will confirm all
Higgypop: Why say then?!?!?! You keep giving me stupid facts that don't make sense and when I try to clarify your stupidity you don't have an answer
Mr Barry: Remaining 60 to send the money right?
Higgypop: No, 59 minutes, idiot
Higgypop: 58 minutes
Mr Barry: Hello let me tell you something it like you don't understand what I am telling you
Higgypop: I don't understand because you don't make sense. You need to try to make more sense man, you talk like a special needs child form the 80s.
Higgypop: 57 minutes
Mr Barry: Those are secret courts under the illuminati we are the greatest on the planet
Higgypop: A monk is a man, not a secret court!
Mr Barry: The night
Higgypop: 55 minutes
Mr Barry: Boddies
Higgypop: Good, boddies... clever boy
Mr Barry: Hiddus
Higgypop: Yes, you're still saying the same words.
Higgypop: 54 minutes
Higgypop: I still don't know what you are talking about though.
Higgypop: 53 minutes
Mr Barry: When are you sending they money now?
Higgypop: 51 minutes
Higgypop: 50 minutes
Higgypop: That minute went quick.
Higgypop: Boy oh hecking flip wasp! I can't wait to be all powerful!
Mr Barry: You will be initiated inside there and move out immediately power in the highest level
Higgypop: 47 minutes
Higgypop: 46 minutes
Higgypop: Ooooh yeah, I can feel the freedom, I can almost taste the blood of the innocent.
Higgypop: 45 minutes
Higgypop: Beef me, major!
Higgypop: Tick tock, tick tock.... 43 minutes
Higgypop: Well paint me orange and call me Trump!
Higgypop: 34 minutes my lord
Higgypop: 32 minutes submaster
Higgypop: Oh no! I did the mathematics wrong. 22 minutes! Even closer to my destiny
Higgypop: 21 minutes
Higgypop: Can I get a whoop whoop!?? 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Higgypop: Are you excited, James?
Mr Barry: Once the woman confirm your payment I will congratulate you
Higgypop: Blow my ass, it's so close now! Merely 18 Earth minutes away.
Mr Barry: Make your payment and see this next activation immediately
Higgypop: See this next activation immediately?? What does that mean?
Higgypop: 17 minutes
Higgypop: Is seeing this next activation immediately important? Because I don't understand what you mean.
Mr Barry: Enough till your payment is made.
Higgypop: Should I delay the payment and research this phrase? I don't want to pay if I don't know what "see this next activation immediately" means. Please can you explain.
Higgypop: What is an activation and how do I see it? QUICK, we only have 15 minutes
Mr Barry: Activation means the power that will be around you.
Higgypop: Ohhhh, OK. So you means once I have paid I will see this new activation around me immediately. Sorry, your English is VERY bad, you speak like a full spastic.
Higgypop: 14 minutes
Mr Barry: Because after you payment that means your are ready for initition
Higgypop: Yes I understand now, it's just your English is bad, you speak like a first year muffler on groodle.
Higgypop: 13 minutes
Mr Barry: Initiation
Higgypop: Correct ✅
Higgypop: When I am a member I will help you with your spelling and grammar, you will be able to recruit even more people once you can type properly.
Higgypop: 12 minutes
Mr Barry: I am not a computer list
Higgypop: What is a computer list?
Higgypop: 11 minutes
Mr Barry: You are not here for that
Higgypop: Brothers can't help brother in the Illuminati? You REALLY need help, almost everything you have said to me hasn't made sense.
Mr Barry: Ok dear
Higgypop: Your spelling is bad, you use the wrong words, the wrong grammar. You don't seem to actually understand what you are saying.
Higgypop: So I would LIKE to help you as a thank you
Higgypop: 9 minutes
Higgypop: With my help you could recruit many many more member
Mr Barry: After everything you will teach me agreed
Higgypop: You could recruit richer and more intelligent members like Lord Douglas Howley, the millionaire, I have his contact details but he wouldn't speak to you at the moment the way you type.
Higgypop: 8 minutes
Mr Barry: Time for prayer to my grand master
Higgypop: Yes, I will pray for him too. I will pray he gets wealth, hot chicks and free bread.
Mr Barry: What your problem, control your self dear
Higgypop: My problem is I am in prison and I want power. You will help me. The Illuminati will help me.
Mr Barry: Power you will get
Higgypop: I have riches already but I want freedom and power!
Mr Barry: Make you payment and start getting your power
Higgypop: Yes ma'am. In just 6 minutes time.
Higgypop: I want to lick the frosting off of cakes and put the boring bit back. I want bumper stickers with humours quotes. I want a cat that can talk and 40 copies of the Harry Potter series on Blu-Ray.
Higgypop: 5 minutes
Higgypop: Oh they are early!!! They have come to let me out! I will go to the library and pay on the computer system there. ZERO minutes!
Mr Barry: Ok
Higgypop: They won't let me leave the cell 😭 I told them I needed to pay the man from the Illuminati and they said I am suffering for psychotic delusions and that you are not real. I need to prove to them that you are real!
Mr Barry: I don't get you
Higgypop: Don't you?
Mr Barry: Know?
Higgypop: Know...? You mean NO?
Higgypop: Well you see. I make fun of you in this chat. I call you stupid, then I put the whole conversation on my website and people laugh at you. I will make you famous Mr James Barry.... if that's your real name.
Mr Barry: You have put the life of your son and your self at risk
Higgypop: I don't have a son!
Mr Barry: You want to know what we can do, when you took an aoth
Higgypop: Hahaha, you're not still pretending you're from the Illuminati are you?
Mr Barry: You might have been doing this for fun but this will be a lesson to every who laughing
Higgypop: Your oath is meaningless you are a fool.
Mr Barry: Do you think you and your chat will live to see the next 7 days?
Higgypop: Yeah, what are you going to do? You don't even know what country I live in. I doubt you can even spell the name of the country I live in.
Mr Barry: Kill you and your family
Higgypop: You don't even know my real name.
Mr Barry: Until that seventh day
Higgypop: OK. Well I've already reported your comments and profile on Facebook. Time to report you to WhatsApp too. Nice talking to you. Goodbye x
Further Reading
Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

Whispers From The Other Side
A guide to capturing and analysing EVPs for ghost hunters of all levels, covering techniques and theories.
Buy Now
Hidden, Forbidden & Off-Limits
A journey through Britain's underground spaces, from nuclear bunkers to secret wartime sites.
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