Your Chance To Hunt Ghosts At Cornwall's Kilminorth Manor This Halloween

September 22, 2024 1:00 AM ‐ HalloweenParanormal
Kilminorth Manor, Cornwall
Photo: © Shadow Tor
Join Cornwall-based Shadow Tor for a spine-tingling evening of ghost stories and hands-on paranormal investigation, just in time for Halloween. This spooky event will take place on Saturday, October 26 in the historic setting of Kilminorth, a centuries-old manor farm near the popular tourist town of Looe.

With its old buildings and 32 acres of oak woodlands, Kilminorth provides the perfect atmosphere for a paranormal investigation. Over the years, both guests and staff have reported strange sights and sounds around the manor, giving this location a reputation as a place where the unexplained seems to lurk.

The evening will be split into various activities designed to explore the estate's eerie history and potential paranormal phenomena. Guests will be divided into teams, with each group rotating through a series of tasks.

Among the highlights of the night is a paranormal investigation inside Kilminorth's original and oldest building, a rare opportunity to research a location that has not yet been investigated by any other paranormal teams. The aim will be to attempt to communicate with the spirits that the estate's owners believe haunt there.

Each team will set up their own experiment, remotely monitored via a network of cameras from the event hub built within the grounds in an all-weather marquee. Guests can watch live footage of the ghost hunts from the hub while browsing a Halloween market featuring haunted, spiritual, and spooky items. There will also be live music throughout the evening and screenings about Kilminorth's forgotten history and ghost stories.

Tickets for the event are £20 per person and can be booked online at Shadow Tor's website. There are also limited free tickets available for access to the event hub only in an all-weather marquee, allowing guests to watch the live investigation feed and explore the Halloween market.

There will also be the chance to soak up some fireside ghost stories, with guests gathered around the fire to hear eerie local tales while toasting marshmallows. There's also a creepy history tour around Kilminorth, offering insights into local myths, legends, and folklore, adding depth to the investigation.

Guests feeling particularly brave can volunteer for a 'lone vigil', spending time alone in one of the manor's most haunted spots, while their team watches from the safety of the event hub. This is a true test of nerve, as participants will be isolated with only the shadows and the silence of the building for company.

The event is hosted by Matt 'Bear' Clark, the founder of Shadow Tor and a lifelong enthusiast of both history and the paranormal. His passion lies in exploring how historical clues might help explain paranormal events. He said, "I'm very excited to be investigating the old farm for the first time. The owner, Jayne, who wasn't into the paranormal before, has seen a figure moving around on the upper floor, passing windows and flicking lights on!"

Matt added, "Other staff have heard people moving about above, and strange lights have been seen in the oak woodlands. If we capture anything on the night, it would be amazing."

Joining Matt is his Shadow Tor colleague, Jonathan Boakes, an internationally known ghost story writer and game creator. Jonathan brings his own enthusiasm for the paranormal and historical research to the event, explaining: "It's a genuinely historic old estate, listed as a regal house in 968, the home of a great-sounding guy by the name of Wulfwin. I better brush up on my Saxon and Cornish language if we're going to be 'calling out'. No idea what to expect, which makes it a great new location to investigate with others."

Hot food will be provided for all ticket holders, though drinks must be purchased separately. Those with hub-only tickets can also enjoy food and drinks for purchase throughout the night.

If you're looking for a unique Halloween experience with the chance to investigate real paranormal activity, then this event promises to be both fun and spine-chilling. Tickets are available at £20 per person at Shadow Tor's website. For those not wishing to take part in the ghost hunts, a limited number of free hub-only tickets are available for the event marquee. For more information, check out the event's official web page.

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