10 Most Haunted Hospitals & Asylums In The UK
The ten most famous haunted hospital and asylums in the United Kingdom with sightings of ghostly medical staff, apparitions of patients and poltergeist activity.
10. Barnes Hospital, Cheadle
9. Nocton Hall Hospital, Lincoln
In 1945, Nocton Hall hospital was chosen to be the RAF general hospital for Lincolnshire and several new buildings were erected on the site in 1946, with the hospital officially opening in 1947.
By 1966 the hospital had most of the facilities needed for a normal hospital due to the fact that buildings such as a maternity ward, operating theatres and a neuropsychiatric ward had been built and opened as well as a few others. The site was officially closed in 1994 and has stood empty since 1995.
The building is said to be haunted by the ghost of a young girl, believed to be the spirit of a servant who was murdered in the house by her own son. She's been blamed for the disembodied sound of sobbing around the building. She's also been seen standing at the end of staff members' beds in the middle of the night. The building is also said to have a resident Grey Lady.
8. St. Catherine's Hospital, Doncaster
The paranormal activity experienced here ranged from disembodied cries, voices, and screams, through to full ghostly apparitions. Many staff and patients have reported doors opened and closing on their own and heard footsteps on the upper floors.
7. University Hospital Llandough, Cardiff
A staff member on duty at the hospital talked about her experience of seeing her own dead body lying on a bed, the nurse died just one week later of typhoid fever. Her body was placed in the exact location that she had seen in her vision.
On another occasion a pregnant woman claims she was woken up in the night to find a nurse in a Victorian uniform reassuring her that everything would be OK.
6. Wythenshawe Hall, Manchester
The hall is also said to be haunted by phantom monks, who are seen walking with the bottom part of their legs in the floor as if they're walking on what was once the floor at a lower level than today's floor. In the library, staff have heard strange unexplained sounds and on one occasion a security guard found that a heavy bookcase doorway leading to the servants' quarters had opened on its own. Staff and guests have also reported poltergeist activity in the form of artwork flying off of walls.
5. Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds
In 1915 the building was offered up to the War Department as part of the war effort. The main building became the East Leeds war hospital, and even played host to King George V who came to visit injured soldiers.
With so much misery and death associated with this building, it's no surprise that there are so many claims that it is haunted. With reports of poltergeist activity, a phantom doctor that's seen wandering around wearing a white coat, ghostly patients, and even dark entity.
During its time as a hospital, the amount of lives lost here would have been in their hundreds. Before 1925 the hospital staff would have been hindered by basic equipment and no electricity.
Staff and visitors have also reported hearing moaning and guttural cries in the dead of night, could these be the ghostly cries of suffering patients?
4. Ordsall Hall, Manchester
The ghosts believed to be responsible for these hauntings include the apparition of a lady in a white who's seen walking across the great hall before vanishing. A former owner of the property, Sir John Radclyffe, is also said to haunted to building and the spirit of a young girl called Cecily has been seen and heard running around the house. In the house's large attic, the spirits of two male servants have been reported.
3. Newsham Park Hospital, Liverpool
Many patients witness seeing the ghost of children over the years, as well as seeing dark shadowy figures, and hearing disembodied voices, as well as reports of moving objects.
More recently ghost hunters at the hospital have reported hearing banging sounds coming from inside a row of cupboards in an upper floor corridor. It's said that these were the cupboards where badly behaved children were sent during Victorian times. This area is said to be haunted by a little boy who died while locked in a cupboard.
2. Denbigh Asylum, Denbigh
Over the years some pretty grim treatments were carried out at the hospital, including pre-frontal lobotomies and electric shock treatment, perhaps it's for this reason that so many tormented spirits are trapped here.
Ghost hunters have reported seeing the apparitions of patients walking along corridors, heard strange noises and, footsteps and banging sounds coming from seemingly empty parts of the building.
1. Cardiff Royal Infirmary, Cardiff
The list of reports of paranormal activity include a disappearing matron who was spotted in one of hospital's corridors by a plumber, and sightings of a woman in grey, apparently if she appears and offers you a drink, you shouldn't take it, if you do you will die within a week.
Staff have complained about being pushed by unseen forces, seeing a female figure on security camera, and witnessing figures in an office, one throttling the other but this isn't the only gruesome haunting to happen here. It's claimed that things ones got so bad that an exorcism had to be performed in the pathology department.
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