The 20 Most Haunted Pubs In The UK
The 20 most famous public houses and inns in the United Kingdom with the reputation for their resident ghosts and spirits. From Cornwall to Scotland, throughout England, Ireland and Wales.
20. The Golden Fleece, York

Guests have reported seeing her walking around the building. She's said to move and can often be heard walking on the staircases in the dead of night.
Other ghosts in the property in a Canadian airman who fell to his death from one of the upper windows during World War II, a spirit known as One Eyed Jack, the ghost of a grumpy old man, and a young Victorian boy who was said to have been trampled to death by horses.
19. The Red Lion Hotel, Colchester

The building is said to be haunted by a murder victim by the name of Alice Katherine Millar. She mostly been spotted in rooms five and six, where she's said to have passed through solid walls. Her spirit has also seen been on the stairs and in the hotel's kitchen.
18. The Dolphin, Littlehampton

One of her guests staying in room two once asked to be moved late at night after witnessing someone walk through his closed door. Ellie moved the terrified guests up to room six, but in the morning found they had fled in the night. There's also the ghost of a little girl who's been nicknamed Dolly, who's said to take a liking to ladies with red hair, but there's one other spirit she's afraid off, who is believed to be called William.
17. Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem, Nottingham

16. Banshee Labyrinth, Edinburgh

She's sometimes been seen as a pale-faced woman in a grey dress sobbing into her hands. She was most famously reported by a group of workmen refurbishing the venue. They all heard her scream and a few hours later one of them received a phone call informing him that a family member had passed away.
Other spooks spotted by drinkers include the ghost of a little girl known as Molly. She's said to have haunted the pub since a child's shoe with the name written on it was discovered in a bricked-up chimney, there's also the ghost of Ole Jock who lurks in the ladies' toilets, and an apparition in a long black coat known as "The Watcher".
15. The Ostrich Inn, Colnbrook

The couple were said to have made a tidy profit from their grim hobby and even had a trapdoor built into the floor of one of the guest rooms. With a specially hinged bed they would simply tip their sleeping victim into a vat of boiling water below.
14. The Jolly Sailor, Looe

Guests staying upstairs in the B&B rooms have reported seeing figures, and one guest reported feeling someone get into bed behind her. Another said their phone was pushed off the desk while they were sat watching television. Even the landlady has awoken in the night to find standing over her bed an old woman who proceed to vanish.
There's also been reports of sightings of a blonde curly haired child in the kitchen, and the ladies toilets are said to be haunted by a male spirit who according to the staff is said to be a bit of a ladies' man. He's made his presence known to a few of the locals who will now refuse to use the toilet alone.
Probably the most famous supernatural story to be linked to the Jolly Sailor is that of the spirit of a girl from the village who committed suicide after being jilted by the love of her life. Since her death she has been seen in the form of a phantom white hare rushing down to the Jolly in order to warn the drinkers whenever misfortune is headed for the town.
13. The Old Church House Inn, Newton Abbot

There have been strange occurrences all over the building including faces appear in wood panelling taken from a Spanish Armada ship, candles relight themselves, and cold spots have been felt. A dark monk-like figure has been seen in the main bar and in the lounge, where a dark figure has been seen descending a set of stairs which were taken out years ago.
Poltergeist activity is prevalent in all rooms, and unexplained noises are her heard throughout the building, including in the guest bedrooms. Apparently many guests have left so frightened that they will not return. Bar staff have been chased and the owner has even been forced to hunt down a suspected burglar from his home, only to find that they disappeared into thin air.
12. Black Dog, Grantham

In the staff flat above the pub, pungent smells have been witnessed. Above this on the top floor, there's another flat which no one has braved to live in for years. The Retford Ghost Hunting team caught some of their best evidence in this part of the pub. During their investigation they heard strange voices through their ghost hunting devices, which seemed to be saying "I was told to hang myself" and "I want to die."
11. Ye Olde Kings Head, Chester

There's the ghost of a lost little boy, plus a dark entity that roams the whole building and the ghost of a tall well-built man who has an unpleasant demeanour. In the bedrooms guests have reported having their covers being removed and a phantom dog is said to stalk the rooms. Others claims to have been shaken awake at night, heard loud knocks on their doors, and unexplained bangs from in and around their rooms.
There's also said to be a floating corpse that appears over the bed in room three, and in room four a woman is said to appear in the window, as well as the spirits of two men who both duelled to the death in an attempt to win her affections.
10. The Mermaid Inn, Rye

Guests have reported waking to find their clothes wet, others have seen the ghost of a man walking through a wall. There's also been reports of light anomalies, bottles and glasses have fallen and smashed of their own accord, and the ghost of a maid is said to haunt the pub. She was the girlfriend of a member of smuggling gang who used the pub's cellar, she was killed by the gang as they feared she knew too much and would expose them.
There's also the ghost of a lady who's been spotted wearing white while sitting in a chair next to a fireplace, the spirit of a man in period clothing, and the ghost of a man who died during a duel with another man in the building.
9. The Leopard Inn, Stoke on Trent

But during her time running the pub, she's seen dark shadowy figures, witnessed doors slamming, glasses being thrown and the last orders bell in the bar is also said to ring on its own. Sharon was even hit in the head by an unseen force on one occasion. One of the bar staff also reported hearing unseen children singing the nursery rhyme, 'ring o' ring o' roses'.
The top floor of the pub, which was once a hotel, is now unused and has fallen into disrepair. In the room which is said to have once used as a children's nursery, lots of people have witnessed the sound of children playing, laughing and running around. A music box in the room is also said to mysteriously play on its own.
8. Ye Olde Salutation Inn, Nottingham

7. The Bate Hall, Macclesfield

The ghost of a grey lady has been seen in the inn walking the staircase and the empty rooms. She's thought to be the spirit of a woman who was hanged in the stairwell for being a witch. A poltergeist is said to throw objects around, children have been seen and heard around the building.
On the abandoned upper floor, strange markings are said to appear on the walls before vanishing again without leaving a trace, the ghost of an old lady and a young boy have been seen, as well as a seven-foot-tall shadowy figure that lurks in the dark recesses of this foreboding place.
The pub's cellars are also said to be haunted and it's thought that the activity could be related to a now buried tunnel under the cellar floor, which was once used as a hideout for a priest during the period when Catholics were persecuted by law.
6. The Fleece Inn, Elland

The reports range from poltergeist activity like the smashing of glasses, right through to full apparitions, including that of a girl who's been spotted throughout the pub and looking out one of the bedroom windows.
Other paranormal activity includes dark shadows which are seen moving through rooms on a regular basis and a negative entity which does all it can to get people out of the pub.
5. The Red Lion Inn, Avebury

There's also the tale of the violent murder of a local man in the cellar. So, it's no surprise the pub has its fair share of ghost stories.
4. The Skirrid Mountain Inn, Abergavenny

The pub has been the site of plenty of ghostly and poltergeist activity. When a former landlady decided to sell the, glasses started mysteriously flying through the building, along with the evil spirit of the judge's hangman.
The pub is also said to be the home to the ghost of a local clergyman, Father Henry Vaughn. As well as the spirit of Fanny Price who worked in the building in the 18th century. Staff and visitors to the pub also report smelling perfume, hearing the rustling of a lady's dress, the sound of soldiers marching, and even sightings of a White Lady in the courtyard.
3. The Llandoger Trow, Bristol

The pub was legendary in its heyday and is the place where Daniel Defoe was inspired to write Robinson Crusoe and the pub which Robert Louis Stevenson based the the inn on in Treasure Island.
Many staff and guests to the pub have reported seeing the ghost of a young boy, even more have heard his footsteps. Some say he was murdered in the inn and has been heard wandering around the building ever since. They hear his footsteps going along the landing and up and down an all staircase in the heart of the old building. The boy was said to be disabled which made the sound of his feet clomping on the wooden floor boards even more apparent.
On certain occasions the little boy has been seen coming down the staircase carrying a white enamel pale in his hands.
2. The Jamaica Inn, Bolventor

Due to its history of hosting smugglers the pub has been the subject of books, television shows and an Alfred Hitchcock movie.
The paranormal activity at the inn includes the disembodied sound of footsteps throughout the building, unexplained tapping, the sound of children playing and babies crying, and most famously the sound of horses and carts moving in the courtyard.
Room 5, which is said to be one of the most haunted rooms is said to be haunted by the ghost of a mother and child. The young girl is often referred to as Hannah. The ghost of a murdered man has been seen in the main bar and sat on a wall outside the inn.
Guests and staff have reported seeing dark shadowy figures moving through corridors, the restaurant and the kitchen and many visitors have reported being touched by unseen hands while sleeping or having their hair pulled.
1. The Ancient Ram Inn, Wotton under Edge

Some of the most commonly reported activity includes highly localised cold spots, temperature drops, and unexplained icy blasts of air. There's also activity in the form of light anomalies seen with the naked eye and caught on camera. Doors are said to slam on their own, footsteps are frequently heard, furniture is heard sliding around, and mysterious knocking is witnessed.
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