Photo: Laura Chouette

Photo: Laura Chouette
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The astrology experts at Top Psychics have compiled and in-depth numerology forecast for April 2022 designed to give you an insight into matters of love, life and work over the next thirty days, and reveal the secrets of what the numbers have in store for you.

Photo: Nick Fewings
Number 1
Individuals born on 1, 10, 19, and 28 of any month
April is the month of Rams (Aries) till 19th April and number 9 (Mars) rules over it. 1 (Sun) and 9 (Mars) bring positivity, enthusiasm, and diligence to steer growth in business, life, and friendship. This month is going to be an exciting rollercoaster ride for you. After the release of March, April brings a breath of fresh air and a surge of innovation to start things fresh. The planetary combination of Sun and Mars might make you feel a little restless and anxious because Sun brings creativity, freedom, ego, and soul with it. Whereas Mars extends aggression, confrontation, ambition, and impulsiveness. So, be prepared to seize opportunities and turn them into competitive advantages for you and your loved ones.
It is a good time to start new ventures and build new partnerships. You are all set for elevating your life to the highest level. Trust yourself; you are blessed with everything required for moving up the ladder of success. It is particularly suitable for individuals associated with the stock market, gold, and construction. Besides, financial accomplishments, you will also have a blooming social and family life.
However, you might face some misunderstandings or heated arguments, but you can conquer these problems with your intelligence, patience, and understanding. Strategize well and follow the right direction to reap the fruit of your hard work and dedication. Remember, patience and humility can make you reach heights of success in every domain of life. Control your temperament and balance your work and inactivity.

Photo: Muaz AJ
Number 2
Individuals born on 2, 11, 20, and 29 of any month
April is a month full of promises and powers for Number 2s (Moon). After the gentle closure of March, your soul demands the safety and security of the home environment. The moon symbolizes fertility, unconditional love, affection, and pregnancy under the uniform influence of psychic Neptune, a planet known for high ideals, intuition, compassion, and spirituality. When Mars (9), Moon (2), and Neptune (7) come together, they lend uncanny ambition and enthusiasm to dream big and tirelessly work for manifesting your dreams into reality.
It is the time to speak up and show your talents to the world without any hesitation or delay. You are destined to see exceptional financial and personal growth this month. However, overspending can badly disturb your budget. Be wise instead of being a spendthrift. It is the best time to save for a rainy day. Draw a line between your desires and work. Focus on your goals and nurture your relationships.
It is time to get rid of toxic relationships because they are just draining your energy. Do not fall for the wrong person, because it will only make you feel hurt in the end. Lately, you have been ignoring your health much because of your overwork. Add exercise and meditation to your daily routine. Home is where your peace is. Let’s get into DIY and re-do the décor to add freshness. 2 is the most psychic number, so lean to it, and open the doors of perception and refined intuition to guide you to the path of glory.
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Photo: Aaron Burden
Number 3
Individuals born on 3, 12, 21, and 30 of any month
Individuals with number 3 have amazing mathematical skills owing to their fantastic practical and calculative nature. It is the month to infuse vitality and freshness into your life while experimenting with your artistic traits. 3 becomes your luckiest number because it also links you to Jupiter (3), the planet of growth, expansion, prosperity, good luck, and miracles. Mars rules, April, and Jupiter govern number 3. Both these planets are opposite to each other. However, well-fitted on "unlike friends, though friends."
Number 3 represents the mind-body-soul connection and becomes the good omen for creativity, curiosity, and communication. Together the opposition of Mars and Neptune with vibrations of number 3 in this sunny April will you enjoy a hearty dose of charm and innovation. Attend parties, plan get- togethers, and socialize to share your ideas and intellect with people. Do you know you are an influential negotiator, and people want to connect with you? Let's get connected and do not hold back. Do not be afraid of rebounding criticism. Remember, criticism speaks more about the person who intends to criticize you than yourself.
April can be a little stressful for your mental and spiritual health. Surround yourself with people who do not give stress. Participate in activities that make you feel relieved and fresh. April is not the month to make any investments. It will be risky. Though it is not financially supportive for you, but it is also not harmful. Just stay focused and control your expenditures. It brings excellent growth opportunities for the people in the teaching and counseling professions. Let’s buckle down and give your 100 percent to earn a big reward.

Photo: Jordan Graff
Number 4
Individuals born on 4, 13, 22, and 31 of any month
April brings an incredibly productive time for all 4s. Yet to reach your potential, you have to cultivate new skills and gain more expertise. 4 is the number of go-getters who thrive in collaborative work. Since Sun (4) governs this number and Mars (9) rules over Aries, this combination encourages delegation in this month. You should use April to set a new precedent for yourself and do everything that makes your heart enjoy and sing. It is a lucky month to take important financial decisions to attract growth and achieve new milestones in your professional life.
Number 4 makes you adaptable, stable, and confident to grab new opportunities and mark your name in everything you do. Yet, do not over-commit. You might be sure you can do it, but time and circumstances might not allow you to do everything. So before making any commitments, see your schedule. Cut your expenses short, and save more. New opportunities and ideas will keep you on your toes but do not prioritize anything over your family and friends.
Before signing new commitments, complete your undone assignments first. Do not put yourself through limits because the changing weather might expose you to some viral diseases and mental fatigue. Spending some time with mother nature will make you feel stronger, calm, and wise to handle your personal and professional responsibilities effectively. April 2022 is your month to carry out your favorite activities, multiply your wealth, and give your career a boost. It is particularly beneficial for individuals associated with e-commerce, sports, journalism, and the pharma industry.

Number 5
Individuals born on 5, 14, and 23 of any month
The mantra of 5s lives should be the focus, discipline, dedication, and devotion. Mercury (5) resonates with 5 and brings with eloquence, intellect, memory, and transportation. 5(Mercury) and 9(Mars) extend a freedom-seeking and adventurous aura that can also make you vulnerable to face chaotic situations in April. So don’t be worried or surprised, if your routine life seems going out of your hands. Embrace the upheavals because, amidst the turmoil of the time, there lay many opportunities for you.
Be flexible and say yes to invitations, never mind sparking a conversation with a stranger, and spend plenty of time in nature to reinvigorate yourself for the greater good. April is an interesting month for you. You only need to focus on finding the right path and thinking twice before making any decision. Remember, you can’t reverse your bad decisions and avert their result. You might find your energy a little scattered. Plan a short trip with your friends and spend some extra time with your family to re-harmonize yourself.
9 (Aries) is not much support for your growth, but Mercury comes as a consolation to you to help you navigate through hard times with intellect, discipline, and practicality. Make flexibility your best friend to support you through all thick and thin. Do not let the work pressure affect your health in any way. This month is a little serious regarding your health, so take good care of yourself. Individuals working in medical, engineering, events and hospitality management will see thriving success in their domains.
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Photo: Arisa Chattasa
Number 6
Individuals born on 6, 15, and 24 of any month
April is an important month for 6s in every aspect. It is the time to ignite domestic happiness, harmony, and financial stability. 6 & 9 both are family numbers, and there is no wonder that 6s will see their hard work transpiring into auspicious and fruitful times. Overspending and overindulging are something always associated with number 6. You have to control your spendthrift habits and focus more on savings than spending.
April will make you stay on higher ground and long for luxuries, but do not turn your pocket loose. Reassess your responsibilities and obligations this month. You might be called by someone very close for a piece of advice or a favor. 6s are always known for their unconditional appreciation, and you are no exception. April brings a high romantic time for all 6s. For those who are already couples, it is time for them to enjoy their romantic bliss to another level, and those who are looking for a partner, are most likely to find their match by the end of April.
Venus, the planet of love, adoration, and personal values rule number 6. When Venus (6) and Mars (9) comes together, they make you sit back, relax, and enjoy what you always wanted in your life. Both these planets support favorable results for your all financial involvements and achieve a fulfilled life. You have been working tirelessly for the past few months, now it is time to slow down and enjoy life with your loved ones. Pleased, cheerful, and thriving are the perfect words to describe the life of 6s during April.

Photo: Jo Coenen - Studio Dries 2.6
Number 7
Individuals born on 7, 16, and 25 of any month
April the number 9 ruled month asks 7s to reestablish their relationship within themselves. Its gentle and introspective energy brings personal healing and gets rid of long imprinted scars to restart your life afresh. Do not ignore to tune into your deeper self and understand your soul purpose. There is a decent match between number 7 and number 9 that encourages learning new skills.
Moon rules number 7 and brings its driving force and the gullible mind to try new things and get your desired results. If you are thinking to start a new business or invest in shares, it is the right time for new investments, but also focus on your savings because you might need them later. Everything is in your favor in April. Singles have a strong chance to get engaged or married for starting a new chapter of their life book. Your relationship with your friends and family will also improve.
Remember, 7 symbolizes perfection and completeness, and the combined effect of Mars, Moon, and number 7 will help you to have an ascent and hurdle-free life during this month. Do not let your laid- back nature stop your growth. Get rid of your procrastinating habits to see new perspectives in life. April might become challenging for your mental peace. Brace yourself, and do not stress yourself over everything. Practice learning let go of things and take proper rest to save your energy for the rest of the year. The game is not over. It’s a long ride yet.

Photo: Maximalfocus
Number 8
Individuals born on 8, 17, and 26 of any month
Saturn (8) brings an adamant mindset to 8s in their personal and professional lives. Your life was steady and on track, however, Aries (9) might make it a little chaotic. Above anything else, April will bring power, money, and influence for all 8s. It is time to tap into your inherent talents and channel your vitality through life. 8s are hard workers who believe in taking calculated risks in lives, but the Martian energy encourages you to come out of your comfort zone and try new things. Do not wait for opportunities to knock on your door.
Go and get them by yourself. Saturn favors you to attain discipline and structure in your life to achieve your goals. Use April to move ahead in your life by pushing forward your self-imposed boundaries with power and authenticity. Seek the guidance of some mentor to improve your personal and professional connections. This month is particularly in favor of those who are looking for opportunities to work or study abroad.
Number 8 signifies great success in personal and professional life areas. Keep the ball rolling for financial stability and make some extra savings. Do not forget to appreciate the love and efforts of your friends and family. Although this year indicates excellent health for 8s, April can upset your health. To keep yourself fit and in shape, exercise regularly and adopt healthy eating habits to strengthen your immune system. Your enterprising spirit will help you sail through all challenges to make your ambitions come true.

Photo: Paolo Chiabrando
Number 9
Individuals born on 9, 18, and 27 of any month
You know April is the month of Rams (Aries) who are ruled by the number 9 (Mars). April is the best time for 9s to optimize a greater good for themselves. It is a constructive month to build up new ideas, and channel your abundant energy to execute your ideas. You might feel stuck on a road with dead ends, but do not leave anything without completion. Unfinished tasks should be finished at priority. Do not start anything new until you complete all your pending tasks.
9 is a true humanitarian and altruistic number, so put your ego aside and resolve things amicably. You might come across people who need your support and guidance to reach their goals. Do not hesitate to put community over money. There is no loss when your help makes anyone smile. April asks you to sacrifice your benefits for others. Remember, it is a happy time for you and puts all your boundaries down to make you enjoy an independent creative expression without any limitations. In money matters, April can also be fruitful because a combative will can break the locks to enormous growth and prosperity.
April will be a boon for individuals working in the business and corporate sectors. Your negotiation and presentation skills can make you outshine your competitors. It is a productive month for your career goals. Your family and health will also be stable. Remember, do not rush into things because haste only makes waste. Impulsive decisions can disrupt the smooth functioning of your life and turn the favorable sails against you.
To find out more about your destiny in April, head over to Top Psychics to connect with experienced, trusted and caring psychics.
Further Reading
Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

The Ghost Lab: Paranormal Meets Science
A critical examination of ghost hunting tools and their scientific foundations.
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Hidden, Forbidden & Off-Limits
A journey through Britain's underground spaces, from nuclear bunkers to secret wartime sites.
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