Latest Paranormal, Conspiracy & Unexplained News
May 09, 2018
Cosmologist, Sean Carroll, is the next in a long line of scientists to make headlines by claiming outright that there is no such thing as an afterlife or ghosts.
May 08, 2018
After years of researching the infamous Royal Air Force base in Corsham, a team of truth seekers have finally got a long awaited visit to the Grade II listed manor house at the centre of the military base.
May 06, 2018
It is one of the most famous haunting cases in the UK, but how much do you know about the paranormal activity which occurred in what was once the country's most haunted house? Test your knowledge with this tricky paranormal trivia quiz...
May 05, 2018
This super-hard quiz challenged you to match UFO milestones like famous sightings and well-document abduction cases with the year in which they took place.
May 05, 2018
There are plenty of ghost hunting gadgets around, the REM-Pod is just one of them and it's not the cheapest but is it worth the money? How exactly does it work and is it reliable?
May 04, 2018
Of all the Most Haunted team, Stuart Torevell has probably been at the centre of more strange paranormal happenings than anyone else, often they are violent, but they are always terrifying.
May 03, 2018
You might have seen website offering online paranormal courses and wondered whether these course are good value for money, or nothing more than a money making scam.
May 01, 2018
A recruitment agent from the actual Illuminati contacted me and asked me if I wanted to join his prestigious organisation. Of course, I couldn't miss this opportunity to try and sign up.
April 30, 2018
These 20 tricky questions will challenge your memory of paranormal plots, chilling characters, and ghostly encounters from some of the most iconic supernatural horror movies.
April 30, 2018
The 20 most famous haunted hotels and guest houses in the United Kingdom with a reputation for their resident ghosts and spirits, from Cornwall to Scotland.
April 29, 2018
Can you answer these questions based around Barry Dodd's paranoia and gullible belief in some of the conspiracy theories from the third series of The ParaPod.
April 27, 2018
Most Haunted's resident skeptic, Glen Hunt has revealed the four moments during his time on the long-running ghost hunting show that have made him question his stance on the paranormal.
April 26, 2018
It's recently been named the most haunted castle in the UK, but how much do you know about the paranormal activity which occurs in this medieval castle? Test your knowledge with this tricky paranormal trivia quiz.
April 25, 2018
Fan's of the 80s 'Back To The Future' franchise can now show their love for the movies with an official DeLorean Motor Company watch.
April 24, 2018
More and more ghost hunting apps are appearing on app stores, but these tools have left paranormal researchers debating whether they can really contact the dead or not.
April 23, 2018
In order to prove the existence of the paranormal, we must investigate every single possible explanation for the activity and eliminate these as causes, this can lead to a greater understanding of the world around us.
April 21, 2018
As the writing and pre-production work ramps up ahead of the filming of the third season of the Netflix series, Cary Elwes has been cast as the "handsome, slick and sleazy" Mayor Kline.
April 20, 2018
When it comes to paranormal activity on Most Haunted, it seems that the show's executive producer, Karl Beattie is often at the receiving end, often with Stuart Torevell.
April 19, 2018
Are vampire hunting kits real? We take a look at some of these kits which have recently turned up for auction.
April 18, 2018
A bizarre conspiracy theory in Gateshead claims streetlights are being used by MI5 to control the population
April 17, 2018
An amateur ghost hunter at Berry Pomeroy Castle in Devon captured what appears to be two spirits riding horseback past the castle at night.
April 16, 2018
It is one of the most famous haunting cases in the UK, but how much do you know about the paranormal activity which occurs in this medieval castle? Test your knowledge with this tricky paranormal trivia quiz.