Latest Paranormal, Conspiracy & Unexplained News
March 21, 2017
Black magic is a secret art which has been protected and kept hidden from the public for centuries. At its core, black magic or dark magic uses supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes, it can involve invocation of evil spirits.
March 20, 2017
It's been called the "Welsh Roswell" but over 40 years on it's still not known exactly what happened in a remote part of North Wales on the night of Wednesday 23rd January 1974.
March 19, 2017
Last summer Max Spiers, a conspiracy theorist from Canterbury in the UK died under mysterious circumstances, in Poland where he was due to deliver a talk at a conference on his research in to a secretive global black magic ring which consists of well-known celebrities and politicians.
March 18, 2017
Explore the eerie side of literature with a visit to some of the most famous locations in the United Kingdom that inspired classic supernatural stories.
March 18, 2017
The Borg appear in twenty-one episodes of Star Trek and in one movie. This list shows every encounter with the Borg in chronological order from 'Enterprise' to 'Voyager' as well as in 'First Contact.'
March 17, 2017
Behind the scenes footage shows ten terrified human guinea pigs taking part in 'scare tests' for Derren Brownโs revamped ghost train ride at Thorpe Park Resort.
March 16, 2017
Dr. Ronald Mallett has dedicated his career to answering this question and he believes that building a working time machine will be possible within the next ten years.
March 15, 2017
In this week's The ParaPod there's a reversal of roles as Ian shares a wild conspiracy theory about the death of President John F Kennedy, but will Barry be taken in by his claims?
March 14, 2017
The expectancy effect is a psychological phenomenon where people's expectations influence their perceptions, something that's significant in paranormal investigations.
March 14, 2017
There are countless sightings of ghosts not only in the dead of night but also in broad day light and lit houses. So why do ghost hunters chose to hunt for spirits in the dark?
March 12, 2017
Carrie Poppy is an investigator of paranormal and spiritual claims, in her recent TED talk she gives her opinion on how all paranormal claims can be explained away using science.
March 11, 2017
On Friday and Saturday evenings, Bill Spectre cordially invites you to join him on a ghostly walking tour of Oxford. Bill will entertain and horrify you as he guides you through the streets of the historic city.
March 08, 2017
In this week's The ParaPod Barry wonders whether theories of a flat Earth could be true based on a video he saw which claims that if a plane takes off in the northern hemisphere, it will end up being upside down when it reaches the southern hemisphere.
March 07, 2017
These five terms to describe ghosts and spirits are the categorisations most commonly used by many ghost hunters to describe the paranormal activity they encounter.
March 04, 2017
Whether you believe in clairvoyants or not, every industry has its cowboys, its untrustworthy rogues and the medium industry is no different. While some psychics seem to be out to help people, others are clearly exploiting their customers and scamming them out of their money.
March 03, 2017
A casual drink at his local turned into a paranormal incident when a pint of beer randomly exploded without being touched and amazingly, the landlord caught the whole thing on CCTV.
March 02, 2017
A psi wheel is a lightweight pyramid-shaped fan which can be made from paper or foil and is balanced on top of a pointed object which allows it to spin freely and easily. Because the wheel is so lightweight and easy to move, it has been used for decades to test people's psychic energy and telekinetic abilities.
March 01, 2017
The latest craze which is taking the internet and school playground by storm is unicorn slime but some of the ingredients children are using to make the goo are actually very harmful chemicals.
February 28, 2017
This week a flock of turkeys were captured on video performing what looked like a dark magic ritual around the remains of a dead cat in Massachusetts.
February 27, 2017
It's not uncommon for newspapers to get strange letters from readers, but one man wrote to the Bristol Post claiming that one of the city's landmarks is in fact a charging point for alien spacecrafts.
February 26, 2017
UFO buffs from around the world often descend upon Area 51 in search of flying discs, but it seems the UK has had its fair share of unidentified aerial phenomenon too, but where in Britain are you the most likely to see a flying saucer?
February 24, 2017
Cardiff is officially the most haunted place in Wales, it boasts a higher number of reports of paranormal events than any other place throughout the whole of Wales. If you're feeling brave then here are the ten most haunted places in Cardiff.