Latest Paranormal, Conspiracy & Unexplained News
February 23, 2017
In principle it's pretty easy to build a psychotronic device, they usually resemble a wand or symbols related to alchemy and are made out of a single material, either steel, bronze, copper, iron or gold.
February 22, 2017
In the 1970s a series of reports of supposed supernatural activity at Highgate Cemetery in London made national press. In episode six of The ParaPod Barry and Ian debated whether claims of the Highgate Vampire were real.
February 21, 2017
A 25-year-old, Indonesian woman arrested in connection with the murder of the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un's half-brother says she thought she was part of a comedy prank as part of a television show.
February 20, 2017
Explore the validity of methods used by paranormal investigators as we attempt to answer the question of whether there are any that haven't yet been debunked.
February 20, 2017
Paranormal researchers and ghost hunters have debated the nature of ghosts for year but now physicist Brian Cox has spoken about how he thinks the experiments taking place at CERN have proven that ghosts can't exist within our current understanding of the universe around us.
February 19, 2017
Towards the end of 2016, 19-year-old Hayley said she was eight and a half months pregnant with the son of God, so now, another three months later has Hayley given birth to baby Jesus?
February 18, 2017
Seventeen years ago a man calling himself John Titor logged into an internet chatroom and told his fellow users that he was a time traveller from the future.
February 16, 2017
If your house is haunted by an unwanted ghost or spirit, whether it be placid or malevolent, you're probably desperate to find a way to catch it, trap it and remove it from your home.
February 15, 2017
The Texas sharpshooter fallacy is a mistake in thinking where evidence supporting a paranormal conclusion is accepted while that which doesn't is ignored.
February 15, 2017
This week Barry has taken to the internet, based on a suggestion he got on the internet to research the strange claims of a joint human and alien underground facility known as Dulce Base in New Mexico.
February 14, 2017
If you've experienced paranormal activity in your house then it may well be haunted, but how do you confirm that this is a genuine haunting and that it's not just your imagination or someone playing a prank on you?
February 13, 2017
Released papers reveal the former British prime minister's accurate predictions about extraterrestrial life that have since turned out to be true.
February 12, 2017
Whatever your view of the world, even the most diehard rationalist admits there are things that science simply can't explain. Perhaps our understanding hasn't advanced that far yet and science will one day provide an answer... or are these mysteries destined to never receive an answer from the world of science? We've rounded up some of the biggest mysteries that nobody has yet found an answer for.
February 11, 2017
Joined by some common household substances, a deadly natural toxin tops the list of the worldโs most expensive liquids per gallon.
February 10, 2017
Whether you're just starting out as a ghost hunter or you're just looking to add to your existing list of paranormal research equipment, then here is a complete list of all the essential tools any supernatural investigator needs.
February 09, 2017
Diego Garcia, the militarised island in the middle of the Indian Ocean has gained a fair bit of attention this year since it was claimed that the missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370 could have landed there. The grim history of the island was revealed in the 2009 book, 'The Island Of Shame.'
February 08, 2017
The chemtrail conspiracy theory is a long-running belief that the world's governments are pumping chemicals into our skies through the exhausts of planes but is there any evidence to back up these wild claims?
February 07, 2017
Here's a list of the newest conspiracy theories to emerge over the last year as well as the theories which have started to gain popularity over the past twelve months.
February 06, 2017
In 2016 the world lost some incredibly talented celebrities. If you're missing any of those celebs then you could try contacting them using my celebrity ouija board.
February 05, 2017
Since 2002, Yvette Fielding and the Most Haunted team have been to many of the UK's most infamous paranormal hotspots but does this mean she's convinced about the existence of ghosts?
February 03, 2017
What are the most commonly believed conspiracy theories worldwide? The list includes everything from the assassination of a royal to claims that global warming is fiction.
February 02, 2017
CCTV footage has recently emerged of a woman being thrown off of a chair in a haunted hotel.