Latest Paranormal, Conspiracy & Unexplained News
November 25, 2020
There are claims that the famous American inventor Thomas Edison was working on a device that would allow him to communicate with the dead, but is there any evidence to support this claim?
November 24, 2020
The human pendulum is an experiment that is often conducted during paranormal investigations where one of the investigators themselves is used as the method of communication.
November 23, 2020
It's a common misconception that a thermal imaging camera can see paranormal cold spots at haunted locations, but these devices do not measure air temperature.
November 22, 2020
Trance mediumship is an alleged form of spirit communication where the medium enters an altered state of consciousness, allowing spirits to convey messages through them.
November 22, 2020
How much do you know about the classic 1970s and 80s pop and rock songs that feature in Stranger Things's most iconic scene and memorable moments?
November 21, 2020
It's not uncommon to hear investigators on ghost hunts report that their equipment has mysteriously died due to its batteries' charge being suddenly drained.
November 20, 2020
How to make digital recordings of infrasound and ultrasound, or any low or high frequency sound outside of the human audible range in order to capture EVPs.
November 19, 2020
Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman become the first team to investigate a location riddled with phantom noises, as they lock down for 72 hours inside a haunted jail in Savannah, Georgia.
November 18, 2020
A "skywatch" is when individuals gather to observe the night sky, typically with the aim of spotting unusual aerial phenomena that might be considered UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects).
November 18, 2020
Diagrams of the layout and floor plans of famous haunted buildings in the UK, letting you see paranormal hotspots in a level of detail you've never seen them in before.
November 17, 2020
Why ghosts make the environment around them colder and why cold spots and temperature drops are so commonly experienced in haunted houses and during ghost hunts.
November 16, 2020
From cassette recorders to smart phones and the internet, have you noticed that for every technological advancement mankind makes, the spirit world keeps up?
November 15, 2020
Find out how you know about Fred Batt's time with the Most Haunted team with these 20 taxing trivia questions about some of Fred's most memorable moments.
November 14, 2020
Can the electromagnetic field produced by a mobile phone or home WiFi block or drown out paranormal activity and reduce the number of ghost sightings?
November 14, 2020
We'll be announcing the winners for this year's Paranormal Entertainment Awards in a 40 minute live stream at 8pm on Sunday, November 29 and you can watch it right here.
November 13, 2020
People often ask how ghosts can be seen wearing clothes, surely the clothes don't have a soul or spirit, so how can they come back along with a human ghost?
November 12, 2020
Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman lockdown inside of a property that is said to curse all who live there after the tragic death of the home's original owner.
November 11, 2020
Find out what paranormal activity singer-songwriter Charlotte Hannah experienced when filming the music video for her pop song 'POISON' in the most haunted house in Great Britain.
November 10, 2020
Can you tell which of these are paranormal features from the December issues of 'Chat It's Fate' and 'Take a Break Fate & Fortune' and which we've made up?
November 09, 2020
Route plan, directions and instructions for a haunted day trip in Derbyshire taking in five of the county's most haunted locations and a mystical stone circle.
November 08, 2020
Usborne have been re-publishing some of their classic paranormal-themed kid's books, so we thought it was time to revisit our favourite, the one that introduced us to the legendary Borley Rectory.
November 07, 2020
A list of places to visit across the UK that are steeped in the mythology and magic of British history, and have links to the paranormal and occult.