This page is more than ten years old and was last updated in February 2025.
In 2011 details of a missing man dominated local news in the South West of England, the story even got some national news coverage. A man was reported as missing and after a few weeks the police started treating the search as a murder investigation as officers tried to find the victim’s body.
At the time I was running a website that was dedicated to secret bunkers and I was contacted through this website by a psychic medium in connection to this local murder.
I found the psychic's involvement in the case a little unsettling because there were vulnerable people involved, but I humoured her for a while. Below is a shortened version of our correspondence. I will call the psychic Elise, this is not her real name, I will call the victim Gavin.
Hi Steve,
I had a look at your website and felt drawn to ask for your help.
I'm a well known psychic and work on many police cases. I'm presently in contact with police working on the disappearance of Gavin. In a session Gavin came through and told me he could be found in an abandoned mine. The arrested suspect was ex-military and knew these areas very well. We need to find his body so thought that if you know these underground tunnels you might be able to pinpoint the location.
Kind regards,
I doubted she had any real psychic abilities or that she had spoken to Gavin but I didn’t want to just dismiss it.
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Hi there,
I'm more than happy to help, if you can provide as much information as possible I will try to narrow down where Gavin might be.
There are probably around 30-40 miles of tunnel in the area but many of the quarries have their own unique characteristics due to their different uses.
Plus they are mostly hard to navigate, they involve climbs and crawls so if Gavin is in one of these places he's likely to be quite near one of the many entrances.
Thank you so much. Yes we do believe he was in one of the mouths of a tunnel. Funny thing is that in the session I got a message from Gavin to ask "Steve" to help, we thought it may have been a friend.
I had another intense meeting in my office last night with members of the force, the details of which can be found in the attached report.
Please have a look and see if you can make any sense of this, especially the last two pages as to where to find Gavin. Please come back to me directly if you have any idea and I'll relay the info.
I'm not going to include the report as it contains too many names and locations and to be honest, it's vague and would be a waste of your time to read it but here is my response to her findings.
Hi Elise,
I'm really sorry, I've read through the document and found it not to be very helpful at all, in places conflicting and confusing, so I haven't been able to be much help sorry. Below are my thoughts.
This quarries you are asking about are HUGE and your information is too vague to even narrow it down to one of the many quarries.
You'd need to find out more about the look of the quarry...
What are the walls like?
Are they walls painted?
Is there air conditioning?
Is the quarry lit?
Is the floor rocky, even, tarmac?
What is he near? Office, conveyor belt, stone wall, horse cart tracks?
Your link to Monkton Farliegh is very weak, "Fayh" or "Way" is more likely to fit with Fern Way or... Larch Way or Ladbroke Way or many of the hundreds of other roads with "Way" in the name in the area. There is no reason to make a connection with Monkton Farliegh, "Fayh" and "Farliegh" are very different words.
You go on to mention Bannerdown's in Monkton Farleigh, there is no underground connection here, although it is sat on top of the quarry at Monkton Farliegh. The quarry is now owned by Wansdyke Security, it's heavily alarmed and there is no public access - so I think it's safe to eliminate this location from investigations.
Your map is also too vague to identify the quarry's entrance, you mention the entrance is near a "wall or hill." Those are two VERY different things, a wall is 4 foot high, a hill is 2,000 feet. Mentions of mud, grass and fields are equally as unhelpful... I'd challenge you to find a remote location in Wiltshire that isn't near mud, grass and a field.
The mention of mine/cave entrance on the map is also confusing, there is no way he would be in an entrance to one of the quarries, he would have been found within hours - they are busy places with frequent visitors.
You mention the entrance is near a "water’s edge," there are no old quarries near water in the area, due to the geology, water wouldn't flow or sit above sandstone quarries, this eliminates the "water's edge."
So no, sorry... I can't even begin to narrow this down to a quarry, let alone an area of the quarry. From your conflicting descriptions it's hard to tell if this is a quarry at all.
Good luck with the search, let me know if there's any more I can do.
Dearest Steve,
Thanks for your honesty, and taking the time to read my "feelings." I don't know the area at all, and that so far is all I have, unfortunately.
I guess I was expecting too much from you, sorry to put you on the spot.
Luckily around the same time I was contacted by Liz, one of Gavin's family members, again through my website. Her email read as follows.
Hi Steve,
I read about you and your website on the BBC site. I’m currently helping with the search for Gavin. There are a few psychics on the case who are seeing him possible in a tunnel. I wonder if you could help please? I would be very appreciative of your help to identify tunnels and bunkers in the XXX area.
Hi Liz,
I don't know of any underground locations in that particular area, to my knowledge there are none that are accessible.
The nearest would be in Corsham which is only a short drive away.
The best advice I could give is to be very wary of psychics, there is pretty much no good, substantiated evidence that they are able to solve crimes. Many police forces actively discourage people from contacting psychics in missing person cases.
Hi Steve
I just wanted to let you know that I took your advice, together with lots of other incriminating things, and have now disassociated myself with Elise. She has continued to feed from others.
I went to the extent of actually forwarding all her things to the police.
It would also seem she's sending a copy of her final report to you lol :)
Once again thank you so much for your help, it was greatly appreciated by me personally.
Sadly though, a few days later I got another email from Liz…
Hi Steve
Thank you for your previous help. Just to let you know, there is now a legitimate UK psychic liaising directly with the police.
We know the police have been back to the area around the house own by the man being held in connection with the murder. She is going out with police next week to assist them with their investigation, which is brilliant news as everything has come to a standstill.
Three years on, he has still not be found. The ex-military suspect who Elise mention was released and eliminated from the police's investigations.
About the Author
Steve Higgins
Higgypop Founder & Paranormal Writer
Steve Higgins has been writing about the paranormal for almost two decades, covering ghosts, hauntings, and the paranormal attracting over 500,000 monthly readers.
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