Can A Light-Up Paranormal "Tripwire" Provide Answers For The 'Help! My House Is Haunted' Team?

September 27, 2024 1:00 AM ‐ ParanormalTelevision
Help! My House Is Haunted Series 6, Episode 8
Photo: © Warner Bros Discovery
The sixth series of 'Help! My House Is Haunted' continues as Ian Lawman, Jayne Harris, and Barri Ghai are called to the aid of Danielle, a mother who decided to move her young family back into the childhood home she grew up in. In order to validate the haunting, the television ghost-hunting team try some unique methods of spirit communication, including the use of a spook-detecting rope light. The eighth episode airs tonight on Really and is also available to stream on discovery+.

The 1920s timber cottage in Chaldon, Surrey, has significant sentimental value for Danielle and her mother, Elaine, having been in the family for over 35 years. However, moving in has reminded Danielle of the eery paranormal activity she remembers from growing up, and an increasingly worried Danielle is determined to protect her young family.

"I want to enjoy living here, but I just feel I can't because of the activity in the house. When I lived here as a child, I did feel like I was always being watched. My sister had seen a spirit in what was her bedroom, she thought that the lady was a nurse. She said she looked at her, and then she disappeared. I never actually experienced seeing a ghost until I moved back recently," Danielle recounts, before explaining that her "petrified" young son has already come across a spirit within the house.

"I know my son has seen her, as he described her to me. He said he'd seen a lady in the toy room. I said to him, 'Is she a happy ghost?' He said, 'Oh no, mummy, she's angry.' This morning, my four-year-old ran frantically down the hall to my bedroom. He was hysterical, and he said to me that there was a voice in his ear that had taken a deep 'gasp'. My children are petrified. As a mother, I just want to protect my children. I try to brush it off and say to him, 'It's your imagination', 'it's a dream', but I know that that's not the truth. I grew up in this house, I got married in the garden, I had my third child here. This house is my absolute life, but if it did get even worse or carry on, then we would have to consider moving."

In a desperate effort to protect her family and remain living in the house she loves, Danielle turns to the show's team of paranormal investigators. Together, Ian, Jayne, and Barri capture footage on infrared cameras that they believe shows spirits communicating by flashing light on a specialised rope light with built in atmospheric sensors, known as a "tripwire."

Can the team use this device, which is sensitive to electromagnetic anomalies in the environment, to work out why the spirits have long been attached to this house? Are they linked to the history of the town? Can Danielle continue to raise her young family in the cottage?

More From 'Help! My House Is Haunted'

You can read more and the team's investigations on our 'Help! My House Is Haunted' hub, where you'll find detailed reviews of each episode, trivia quizzes and news on future episodes.

As the investigators make their way to the timber cottage, psychic medium Ian wonders if his "corking headache" is somehow linked to their arrival on the property. "I feel there's going to be some sort of twist to this investigation. I don't think it's going to be that straight forward. I don't know whether it is significant, but I've actually got this corking headache. Maybe something has happened to somebody's head, or they've had a brain injury or something," Ian ponders. Upon arrival, Barri and Jayne head off to conduct further research in the local area, while Ian explores the cottage.

Local historian Penny Griffiths-Morgan tells Jayne that during the Second World War, a bomb took out a local hospital in Chaldon, where a young nurse called Pauline died, trapped in the rubble. "If that wasn't bad enough, above her was the hot water tank, and they couldn't rescue her before the hot water tank broke its couplings and killed her." Might this be linked to Ian's headache? Could Pauline's spirit be impressing her pain on Ian?

"Woah, this feels really, really strange," Ian says as he enters the cottage. "I feel there's something below my feet. There's either a link with the land and the house, or vice versa. There's this pull, there's this magnet."

After meeting with Danielle and her mother Elaine to hear more about the paranormal activity they have been experiencing, the team decides to assess the state of play for themselves by conducting their first experiment, which they call "spirit triggers." This involves using the homeowners during the session in an attempt to elicit a response from any spirits that might be present.

Joined by Danielle and Elaine, they quickly conclude that there are three spirits present in the cottage. There is a masculine energy, which they find to be that of a reverend, and two females, one of which they believe to be Pauline, and the other, the reverend's wife, Audrey.

Jayne decides that the best method to understand more about the spirits' motives is via the use of a spirit board. "Can you please come forward and talk to us?" Danielle asks of the spirits. "I'm sensing the reverend is here, and he doesn't approve of what we're doing," Ian worries. "There's something heavy on my back, like a pressure," Danielle says, with her hand on the spirit board alongside Elaine. "I wonder if the females are quite willing to speak, but they're being prevented from communicating in this way because the planchette is now going towards 'no', I think," Jayne infers due to the presence of the reverend.

After bringing the spirit board investigation to a close, the team knows they are going to have to try something different if they are able to communicate with the female spirits present in the house without the reverend intervening. Through prayer, Ian passes over the male spirit into the light, putting him at rest. "It's unusual to pass anyone over so early into the investigation, but it's the only way the females will be able to speak freely with us," Jayne explains.

The team then heads to Danielle's children's toy room, as this is an area that has seen high levels of spirit activity in the past. Using the ghost-hunting app, Spirit Talker, the team finally feels they've made a breakthrough and are able to communicate with the female spirits. A usually composed Jayne is shocked to find that she comes over incredibly emotional while communicating with Audrey, shedding tears as she finds out that Audrey is in fact an angel, who is only there to care for Danielle's children.

In an attempt to communicate with Pauline, the nurse who died in the wartime hospital bombing, Barri sets up the electromagnetic-sensing tripwire in the hallway, designed to flash if there is a spike in the ambient electromagnetic field (EMF), something that some believe to be an indication that a spirit is present.

While the team looks out for communication from the other side, one of the show's camera operators is visibly shaken. "Our camera operator just felt a freezing cold force move through him," Jayne explains. "When I was standing inside the door, I felt like someone was standing right behind me," the camera operator elaborated.

Barri immediately notices activity on the tripwire. "I just saw a flash on the tripwire! It's going blue, that means there's a spike in the EMF," Barri exclaims. To her surprise, Jayne heard the word "watch" through a ghost-hunting gadget that rapidly scans through FM radio stations. The belief is that spirits can manipulate the burst of static and broadcasts to form meaningful words and sentences. Jayne thinks the word "watch" that she heard is in reference to the tripwire that continues to flash in the hallway.

Barri uses a Structured Light Sensor (SLS) camera in the hallway. This tool uses an array of infrared dots to detect human-like shapes in its field of view and display them on its screen in the form of a stick figure. Barri saw one such figure on the screen near one of the camera crew. He shouts "Don't move! There's a figure in the doorway right behind you! There's two spirits forms!"

"After all the evidence gathered, it's clear what we need to do to help Audrey and Pauline," Barri concludes. Will the team be able to help and free these spirits into the light to join the male spirit who has already departed? Will Danielle have her questions answered and feel safe enough to continue raising her young children in the family home? Watch the brand-new episode tonight to find out.

The new series of 'Help! My House Is Haunted' continues on Friday evenings at 9pm on Really. If you've missed any of the series so far, you can stream on-demand on discovery+.

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