'The Ghost Finders' Discover A Haunted Manor In Pennsylvania With A Rich & Tragic History

November 08, 2022
The Ghost Finders
The Ghost Finders
This page is more than two years old.
'The Ghost Finders' welcome guest paranormal investigators Natalie Jones and ACG Paranormal in an unforgettable two part special streaming exclusively on PARAFlixx.

Recently purchased by Marcus Haug and Katie McKenney, the manor house in Greenville, Pennsylvania has recently earned a haunted reputation after being discovered by 'The Ghost Finders' as a new location to investigate.

You can see a preview of the special below...
Greenville Manor was built in 1881 and was owned by the prominently Gibson family. The house was the site of a gunfire tragedy that took place in the residence after a family dinner one evening. As a well-respected family, this sent waves throughout the community and an elaborate funeral was held on the property.

'The Ghost Finders' bring in paranormal navigator Natalie Jones and the ACG Paranormal team to find out more about what really happened at this newly discovered haunted location. They would soon experience a weekend filled with unexpected events, paranormal activity, and discover a long history between the Gibson and McMillen families.

Part one of 'The Ghost Finders: Greenville Manor' is streaming now on PARAFlixx paranormal+, an on-demand video streaming platform that aims to be the Netflix of the paranormal world. For more information, visit the PARAFlixx paranormal+ website at paraflixx.com.


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