The Haunted Hunts: Project Invocation - 'Gresley Old Hall' - Season 4, Episode 10 Review

October 14, 2021
This page is more than three years old.
The Haunted Hunts: Project Invocation - 'Gresley Old Hall'
The Haunted Hunts' fourth season, 'Project Invocation' comes to an end at Gresley Old Hall, where Danny Moss has a surprise for the crew.

For the last nine episodes, Danny and the rest of his team, which consists of Rebecca Salisbury-Moss, Emma Dawe, Charlie Rutter and Roxanne Rutter, have been pushed to the limits of their fear by crew members Alice Grindley and Nick Anderson at some of the most haunted locations across the UK, but as the team face their final challenge in Derbyshire, Danny turns the tables.

Throughout the series Alice and Nick have given the team nothing more than a postcode on the morning of the investigation and given the team a set of instructions on how to carry out their investigation upon arrival. The experiment is designed to push the team to the limits of fear to see if fear itself can invoke paranormal activity.

However, upon arriving at the final location Danny ripped up the instructions given to him and told Alice and Nick that it would in fact be them who will be embarking on lone vigils at this, the tenth and final location.
The Haunted Hunts: Project Invocation - 'Gresley Old Hall'
Alice and Nick start out in different parts of the building. Alice is on an upper floor alone in the dark, she says, "you can probably hear it in my voice, I'm so scared. This isn't normally what I do." Nick was another floor up in the attic, he said, "I can't tell you how nervous I am sat here in the dark. I know we've put the team through hell the last nine episodes and I suppose karma comes round to everybody." The lone vigil proved to be too much for one of the crew members, who was so unsettled that they ran from the room they were sat in.

Satisfied that they'd got revenge on Alice and Nick, the team returned to complete their final investigation of 'Project Invocation'.
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The Haunted Hunts: Project Invocation - 'Gresley Old Hall'
Emma was first in the house to conduct her first of two lone vigils the crew had laid out for her. Alice explained why Emma was being made to brave the house alone twice, "it's very important that we target Emma in this final investigation, she's the team member that has shown the most fear during this entire experiment, and I think she'll be the one that's the most nervous."

Once alone in the house, Emma said "I am ****ing myself, some of the other episodes have been not that nice to me and I've had a really bad time." She added, "lone vigils are not for me, and this series has proved that."

Despite her fear, Emma handled the vigil well. Charlie was next up and used a Spirit Box in his vigil. The device rapidly scans through radio frequencies and it is believed that spirits can manipulate the static and white noise to form words and sentences. During this session he heard what he thought sounded like a child's voice, but interestingly it didn't seem to come through the device.

Then it was the turn of Becki, who experienced a very strange incident while alone in the house. What she described as being like something stamping its foot on the floor near her appeared to visibly shake the camera. With activity seemingly increasing in the house, Danny was last to hold vigil alone and experienced a few odd happenings, as well as a bit of a lull.
The Haunted Hunts: Project Invocation - 'Gresley Old Hall'
After a short break, it was time for Emma to hold her second lone vigil while the rest of the team conducted a session with the IntraVox device elsewhere in the building, this lead to the team capturing what Danny described as "one of the standout moments of the series," a clear voice echoing through the device's speaker. After hearing the team's reaction to this event, Emma flees the attic and what follows is a string of paranormal activity.

As these events continues including more clear voices, the team come together for one last vigil and Charlie became increasingly agitated after mysterious marks were found on his body.

The team's investigation of Gresley Old Hall is the last of the ten terrifying locations they've visited as part of 'Project Invocation'.

You can check out our complete episode guide here, or watch the full series of 'The Haunted Hunts: Project Invocation' on Amazon Prime now or on the show's official Patreon stream, The Haunted Hunts Extra.


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Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

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