The International Fortean Film Festival Returns For 2022

December 07, 2021
The International Fortean Film Festival
The International Fortean Film Festival
This page is more than three years old.
The International Fortean Film Festival promises to bring the best new movies and documentaries about the paranormal, the supernatural, the weird and the bizarre from around the globe to viewers and cinephiles whilst promoting independent filmmakers and indie cinema.

It is a multi-level award festival with opportunities to for filmmakers to receive award laurels and trophies for official selection, honorable mention, bronze, silver, gold and platinum awards in each category.

Filmmakers who participate are guaranteed their project will be viewed and judged by an international panel of industry professionals from the world of film and television, from both in front and behind the camera, with a wealth of connections to numerous mainstream television networks, distributors and media outlets.

The Event

The event takes place on the last UK bank holiday weekend of the summer each year. The award winners and honorable mentions will be announced after midday on the Sunday of that weekend, on the official website of the Fortean Film Festival, FilmFreeway, and also on social media.

To kick off the festival, there will be a private party on the opening night of Friday 2nd September 2022 from 9pm-1am where VIPs, stars of selected movies and television shows, filmmakers, distributors and festival organisers will be able to network and socialise. A lucky few fans and cinephiles will be able to buy tickets to attend this VIP event and have a 'meet and greet' experience with the stars and creators of their favourite shows and movies.

Live screenings will be held annually at physical locations in the United Kingdom; however, in any such event that a lockdown may impact the in-person live event, there will be provisions made for an online alternative as a contingency measure to ensure the festival definitely takes place.

You can find out more at and on the event's official Facebook page,


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Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

Investigating The Unexplained
Investigating The Unexplained

Practical advice on conducting paranormal investigations and uncovering the unexplained.

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The History & Mystery Of Parapsychology
The History & Mystery Of Parapsychology

A deep dive into paranormal phenomena, exploring history, science, and psychology.

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