This page is more than eight years old and was last updated in July 2020.
#StrangerThings Spotify Playlist
After just eight episodes of Netflix's supernatural series 'Stranger Things', the show became a massive, perhaps due to its loveable cast, chilling horror elements and its moments of comedy. The show's soundtrack includes some of the most memorable hits from the 70s and 80s, as well as some slightly more obscure tracks.
The first season brings us some iconic songs from the likes of The Clash, Toto, The Bangles and Foreigner, as well as an atmospheric original score by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein, including the 80s-style electro synth theme tune.
Chapter One: 'The Vanishing Of Will Byers'

'Kids' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This music from Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein's original score plays when we are first introduced to the boys, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair and Will Byers. It plays throughout their game of Dungeons & Dragons in Mile's basement and accompanies the kids as they leave Mike's and cycle home.
'The Upside Down' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
On the way home Will is spooked by something, he falls from his bike, leaves it and runs home as 'The Upside Down' plays.
'Stranger Things' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The easily recognisable electronic synth sounds of the 'Stranger Things' opening sequence play for the first time after will vanishes.
'Coffee & Contemplation' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
We first meet the local police chief, Jim Hopper, he's overslept and late for work. This original song plays as Hopper gets ready for work.
'Biking To School' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This song from the original soundtrack plays as we see Mike, Dustin and Lucas cycle to Hawkins Middle School for the first time, unaware that their friend Will is missing.
'Nancy & Barb' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Having just arrived at school Nancy Wheeler and Barbara Holland walk through the hallway and Barb wants all the gossip about Nancy's new relationship with Steve Harrington. This song plays as Barb asks Nancy, "so, did he call?"
'Can't Seem To Make You Mine' - The Seeds
Hopper eventually arrives at the Hawkins Police Department where he finds out from Florence about the disappearance of Will. Will's mother, Joyce Byers is already waiting for him in his office.
'Agents' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Several of the government agents working at the Department of Energy run Hawkins National Laboratory meet with the man in charge, Dr Martin Brenner, to tell him about their quarantine precautions after an incident that took place there.
'She Has Funny Cars' - Jefferson Airplane
We first met Eleven walking bare-foot through the woods, this 1967 song by Jefferson Airplane is playing in Benny's Burgers as she sneaks in to steal food, moments later the diner's owner, Benny Hammond, catches her.
'Talking to Australia' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Mr Clarke shows the kids the new ham radio equipment in the AV room, the boys are excited by the prospect of talking to Australia.
'Friendship' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
In a flashback we see Joyce taking 'Poltergeist' cinema tickers to Will in his fort he's built in the woods that he calls Castle Byers.
'I Shall Not Care' - Pearls Before Swine
Benny makes Eleven a burger. This song is play when he sits down to talk to her and try to find out where she came from.
'Jenny May' - Trader Horne
This plays while Benny is on the phone and uses her powers to stop a broken fan in the diner that's irritating her.
'Hawkins' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This original piece of music plays when Hopper and his men find Will's bike abandoned in the woods near his house.
'Are You Sure?' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Hopper and his men visiting the Byers to look around, Joyce and Will's older brother Jonathan let him in.
'In Pursuit' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After searching the Byers' shed, Hopper tells his men to put together a search party.
'Over' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This original song plays while Mike and Lucas have a conversation via their walkie talkies about Will's disappearance. The boys decided to met up and search for Will.
'Every Little Bit' - Jackie James & Ian Curnow
Nancy is listening to this song while she's studying in her bedroom as Steve arrives by climbing through her window.
'White Rabbit' - Jefferson Airplane
This song plays while Eleven is enjoying some ice cream at Benny's diner when the government agent arrives, it continues as she runs and escapes the other agents.
'Starts To Rain' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The gang have broken their parents' instructions to stay at home and heard out into the woods to look for Will as this song plays and a storm is brewing.
'Africa' - Toto
The classic 'Africa' plays while Steve helps Nancy with her studies, which results in them making out on her bad.
'Crying' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Joyce is sat on her couch at home looking at photos of her missing son, with her eldest Jonathan.
'No Weapons' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Now in the midst of a storm, the boys are looking for Will in the woods, but instead happen to find Eleven.
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Chapter Two: 'The Weirdo On Maple Street'

'Eleven' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
At the beginning of the episode the gang get to know Eleven. Once the others have left, Mike notices the "011" tattoo on her forearm, she tells him that this is her name. Mike suggests he calls her "El, short for Eleven."
'Photos In The Woods' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Mike gets a little more information our of Eleven as this original song plays. She tells him that "bad people" are looking for her.
'Lay-Z-Boy' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Once alone in the house, Mike shows Eleven around. The highlights of the tour included the family's 22" television and a La-Z-Boy chair.
'This Isn't You' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This music can be heard as Nancy and Jonathan talk about Will's disappearance in the school hallway.
'(You're A) Go Nowhere' - Reagan Youth
Jonathan jumps in his car and starts his drive to his father, Lonnie's house. This song ends while he is driving, and the next more poignant song comes on...
'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' - The Clash
As Jonathan continues his drive this song by The Clash plays on his car stereo. The song reminds him of his missing brother and we see a flashback of him and Will in his bedroom listen to the track on cassette. In the background Joyce can be heard arguing on the phone with Lonnie, telling us that the brothers bonded over this song as a difficult time in their lives.
'Deck The Halls' - Chicks With Hits
Joyce drives into town and to her place of work, Melvald's general store. As she arrives this festive tune is playing, fitting since the show is set in November 1983.
'Jingle Bells' - The Canterbury Choir
Still in the store, Joyce goes to the checkout with a replacement phone she needs to buy, but asks her boss, Donald, for an advance on her pay.
'Hazmat Suits' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
While Joyce is out shopping and Jonathan is driving to Lonnie's, agents from Hawkins lab covertly break into their house and search it.
'The Upside Down' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Still on her tour of Mike's house, Eleven notice a photo of the gang in Mike's room and recognises Will.
'Are You Sure?' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Mike's mother unexpectedly returns home as this original song plays. Mike has to talk Eleven into hiding in his closet by promising her it'll be alright.
'No Autopsy' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Once his mother has left the house, Mike returns to Eleven in her place in his bedroom.
'In Pursuit' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Hopper arrives at Benny's Burgers and discovers the body of Benny.
'Dark Stars' - Mark Glass
Jonathan arrives at Lonnie's house, this song is playing on his car stereo as he parks up outside.
'I'm Taking Off (Shield Your Eyes)' - Space Knife
This song is playing on Lonnie's television when Jonathan arrives and barges past Cynthia to search the house for him.
'Body Language' - Alexander Baker & Clair Marlo
This song is playing in Nancy's bedroom: while she was on the phone to Barb planning how they are going to sneak out to Steve's party later.
'In Pursuit' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Hopper and his men search behind Benny's Burgers, joined by members of the public. Mr Clarke, one of the searchers, found a piece of torn fabric that looked like it had come from a hospital gown at the end of a drain pipe that leads into Hawkins Lab.
'Friendship' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Mike, joined by Dustin and Lucas explain the meaning of friendship in his basement.
'Tie A Yellow Ribbon' - Brotherhood of Man
Barb drives with Nancy to Steve's house, 'Tie A Yellow Ribbon' is playing on her car stereo when Nancy tells Barb to pull her car over. They talk in the car with the song playing as Barb tries to convince Nancy that the party is just Steve's attempt to get her in bed.
'Raise A Little Hell' - Trooper
This song can be heard playing loudly at Steve's house when Nancy and Barb arrive at his front door for the party.
'The Upside Down' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Hopper wakes up in the middle of night, disturbing the woman he's in bed with. They go outside and talk about how Hopper feels like he cursed as this song starts playing.
'The Upside Down' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The same song plays moments later when Eleven tells the gang that Will is trapped in the Upside Down hiding from a demogorgon. She flips over their Dungeons & Dragons board to demonstrate.
'Photos In The Woods' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Jonathan is alone in the woods at night while this sinister music plays. He is taking photos at the location where Will's bike was found, but after hearing a scream stumbles upon Steve's pool party that Nancy and Barb are at.
'I Melt With You' - Modern English
Meanwhile at the pool party, Steve and his guests are hanging out by the pool chugging beer and listening to a song by Modern English.
'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' - The Clash
After being woken up by a mysterious phone call, Joyce experiences the electrical devices in her house going crazy. This ends with the stereo in Will's room suddenly playing That Clash.
'This Isn't You' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After being thrown in the pool, Steve invites Nancy upstairs to get some dry clothes. Barb tries to talk her out of going upstairs with him alone as this original song plays. Barb tells Nancy, "this isn't you." The music continues as we see Jonathan taking pictures of the party from the edge of the woods around the pool. By this time Barb is now sitting on the diving board alone, the last time she is seen alive.
'Hazy Shade Of Winter' - The Bangles
This Bagnles song plays as Nancy and Steve make out in his bedroom at the same moment Barb is taken. The song plays into the edit credits of the episode.
Chapter Three: 'Holly, Jolly'

'Waiting For A Girl Like You' - Foreigner
This 1981 hit plays while Nancy and Steve are getting intimate in his bedroom. Meanwhile, Barb's life is coming to an end following an encounter with a demogorgon.
'Lamps' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
A desperate Joyce tells Jonathan that she thinks Will is communicating with her via the lights in their home, she tells him that she needs more lamps.
'This Isn't You' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Mike tells Eleven to meet him and the the rest of the gang at the power lines behind his house after school.
'A Kiss' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The next day at school after her night with Steve, Nancy and Steve kiss while standing in front of her locker.
'Lay-Z-Boy' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Eleven is bored alone in Mike's basement so goes upstairs to explore the house, including a quick rest in the Lay-Z-boy.
'Hanging Lights' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Realising she needs more lights, Joyce puts up fairly lights all around her house in an attempt to contact Will.
'We Wish You A Merry Christmas' - The Joel Evans Quartet
Joyce realises she doesn't have enough lights, so returns to her workplace to buy more lights. This festive song is playing in the store.
'Night Of The Seventh' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After talking his way into Hawkins Lab, Hopper is shown the facilities security camera footage from the night of Will's disappearance.
'See Any Rain?' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After watching the CCTV footage, Hopper realise the base staff are lying to him when has asks his mean "see any rain on that tape?"
'Eleven' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Still exploring the house, Eleven goes upstairs to Nancy's room where she finds a music box.
'Lullaby' - Johannes Brahms
The song the music box plays when Eleven opens it is by composer Johannes Brahms.
'One Blink For Yes' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This song plays as we see the result of Joyce's efforts to cover the house with Christmas lights.
'Papa' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This original song plays during a flashback in which we see Eleven kill two of the Hawkins Lab scientists with her powers, before Dr Brenner carries her out of her cell.
'Where's Barb?' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The day after Barb went missing, Nancy returned to Steve's house to look for her.
'One Blink For Yes' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The song plays again as Will makes contact with Joyce through the Christmas lights.
'Dispatch' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Hopper and his officer are called away from their research at the library after being notified of an emergency via their radio.
'Let's Go' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The gang are outside Will's house having been led there by Eleven, when they hear emergency sirens, they chase an after the ambulance.
'Breaking And Entering' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The gang arrive behind the ambulance at Sattler Quarry at the same time as Hopper, just as the paramedics pull the dead body believed to be Will's out out of the water.
'Heroes' - Peter Gabriel
This song plays as the body is taken away and roles into the episode's end credits.
Chapter Four: 'The Body'

'Where's Barb?' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The episode begins with Hopper at Joyce's house while this song plays.
'It's Not My Boy' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Hopper then informs Joyce that Will's body was found, she tells him that she doesn't believe that it was Will's body and that she has been in contact with him through her lights.
'Atmosphere' - Joy Division
After Hopper breaks the news to Joyce there's a montage set to this 1980 Joy Division song.
'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' - The Clash
We hear Will singing this song over the radio after Eleven affects it with her powers.
'Over' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After his mother leave him at home for the day, Mike jumps out of bed and calls Lucas on his walkie talkie and tell him and Dustin to come to his house.
'Kids Two' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After the rest of the gang heard how Eleven could make Will's voice come through the walkie talkie, they decide to take her to the AV room at school, but first have to get her ready.
'Biking To School' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
With Eleven now wearing a dress and wig to blend in, the gang cycle to school in the hopes of using the AV lab.
'Danger Danger' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
At Hawkins Lab Dr Brenner send a government scientist names Shepard into the Upside Down with fatal consequences.
'Photos In The Woods' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Nancy talks to Jonathan and tells him about the strange creature she's spotted in a photo he took at Steve's house the night Barb went missing.
'Color Dreams' - The Deep
This song is playing in the Hideaway Bar where Hopper goes to interrogate David O'Bannon, the state trooper who found Will's body.
'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' - The Clash
There's another blast of The Clash when Joyce plays it to try to encourage Will to contact her.
'Danger Danger' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This plays during a flashback in which we see Dr Brenner working with Elven at the lab, she is being asked to take part in a remote viewing exercise.
'The Upside Down' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
While Eleven channel Will though the school's ham radio set, Joyce makes contact with Will in the Upside Down through a wall in her house.
'She'll Kill You' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The radio equipment Eleven focused her powers on bursts into flames, while Joyce knocks through a wall in her house with an axe in an unsuccessful attempt to get closer to Will.
Chapter Five: 'The Flea And The Acrobat'

'Hopper Sneaks In' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Wanting answers, Hopper breaks into Hawkins Lab to look for Will.
'What Else Is There to Do?' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Lonnie tells Joyce that her interactions with Will are all in her mind and suggests that she should talk to a professional for help.
'Breaking And Entering' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
As Hopper finds the gate at Hawkins Lab in his search for Will, the boys are talking about the Upside Down comparing it to the "Veil Of Shadows" from Dungeons & Dragons.
'Elegia' - New Order
'Elegia' by New Order plays on the morning of Will's funeral as everyone gets ready to attend.
'Lay-Z-Boy' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This music plays in a flashback where we see Joyce and Will in the kitchen discussing his drawings.
'Green Desert' - Tangerine Dream
Hopper wakes up in his trailer without any memory of how he got back from the lab. Fearing his home may be bugged, he rips every room apart looking for a listening devices.
'Theoretically' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
At Will's wake, Mike, Dustin and Lucas ask Mr Clarke how they could travel to an alternative dimension, like the Upside Down.
'Old Time Rock & Roll' - Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band
Steve arrives at Nancy's to find her practicing defending herself will a baseball bat, moments later he sings this song to her.
'Joyce And Lonnie Fighting' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After finding out the Lonnie is only interested in her to get compensation from Will's disappearance, the pair get into a fierce argument.
'Walking Down The Tracks' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Following their compasses due north, the gang head out in search of the gate to the Upside Down.
'I Know What I Saw' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The music featured in a flashback that shows Eleven being submerged in the sensory deprivation tank at Hawkins Lab in order to use her abilities to remotely track down a Russian spy.
'Fresh Blood' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Mike and Lucas argue at the junkyard after Lucas comes to the conclusion that Eleven sabotaging their mission to find the gate by effecting their compasses.
'Eleven Is Gone' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Lucas gets angry with Mike after Eleven used her powers to throw him across the junkyard, she then ran away.
'Something In The House' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
While out searching for the demogorgon, Jonathan and Nancy find a wounded deer. This song plays as the tension builds and they go in search of it after it is suddenly dragged away by something in the woods.
'Tendril' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Nancy crawls though a rip in a tree that leads directly in to the Upside Down where she comes face-to-face with the demogorgon.
'Nocturnal Me' - Echo & The Bunnymen
Jonathan is left alone in the woods as the rip in the tree seals behind Nancy and this song places as the end credits being to roll.
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Chapter Six: 'The Monster'

'Sunglasses At Night' - Corey Hart
The episode opens with Corey Hart playing on Steve's car stereo as he drives with his friends to Nancy's house.
'No Weapons' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
In a flashback we see what happened to Nancy after slipping through to the Upside Down at the end of the last episode. This song plays as she's pulled to safety by Jonathan.
'Tribulations' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Jonathan and Nancy lie in bed, trying to get some sleep after their ordeal with the demogorgon.
'The Upside Down' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Nancy and Jonathan discuss their theory that the demogorgon is drawn to blood.
Violin Concerto In E Major, BWV 1042
Mr Clarke is listening to this Bach concerto when a Hawkins Lab agents arrives at his house posing as a representative of a state-wide school's AV club.
'I See The Future' - Andrew Pinching
Nancy's mother comes to her bedroom and opens the door, only to find the room empty and 'I See The Future' playing.
'Happy José' - Kookie Freeman
'Happy José' is playing in the aisles of the grocery store that Eleven steals Eggos from, before eventually being chased out.
'Making Contact' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Moments later an original soundtrack song plays as we see Elven being plunged into the sensory deprivation tank during a flashback to her time at Hawkins Lab.
'Gearing Up' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Following a falling out with Mike and Dustin, this song plays as Lucas sets off alone in search of the gate.
'Let's Go' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Mike and Dustin see the activity outside the store that Eleven shoplifted from and assume it's something to do with her.
'Lullaby' - Johannes Brahms
While in Terry Ives' baby's room this song plays as Terry's sister tells Joyce and Hopper about Terry's involvement in the MK Ultra project.
'The Bargain Store' - Dolly Parton
Nancy and Jonathan go to an army surplus store to buy weapons and supplies to help them hunt the demogorgon.
'Speak Of The Devil' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Nancy confronts Steve in an alleyway after she learns that offences slurs have been graffitied on the cinema.
'Exit' - Tangerine Dream
Jonathan gets involved in Nancy and Steven argument resulting in a fight in the alleyway that requires the police to break up.
'This Isn't You' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After his fight and arrest, Nancy brings Jonathan some ice at the police station for his wounds.
'Leap Of Faith' Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
While out looking for Eleven, Mike and Dustin encounter two of the school bullies. Troy tells Mike that he must take a deadly leap from a ledge at the quarry.
'She'll Kill You' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Eleven comes to Mike and Dustin's rescue at the quarry and gets revenge on the bullies.
'Eleven Is Gone' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Eleven confesses to Mike that she feels like she's the monster because she opened the gate to the Upside Down, Mike tells her she can't be because she saved him.
'Hawkins Lab' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
As Mike, Dustin and Elven return to Mike's house, agents from Hawkins Lab spot them.
Chapter Seven: 'The Bathtub'

'Still Pretty' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Now reunited with Elven, although minus her blond wig, Mike tells Eleven she's still pretty.
'Leap Of Faith' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Lucas contacts the others via walkie talkie to tell them that the agents from Hawkins Lab are on their way to Mike's house.
'Time For A 187' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The Hawkins Lab agents jump in to their incognito and chase after the gang.
'Kids Two' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The gang give the Hawkins Lab agents the slip and hideout at the junkyard where they make up after their earlier falling out.
'Speak Of The Devil' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Having failed to catch up with Elven and the rest of the gang, the Hawkins Lab agents search Mike's house for clues.
'Leap Of Faith' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Lucas tells the others what he's learnt about the Hawkins National Laboratory.
'Starts To Rain' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The school bully, Troy, tells Hopper about his encounter with Eleven at the quarry.
'Run Away' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Steve jumps to Nancy's defence and falls out with his friend Tommy, before driving away at speed in his car.
'Fields Of Coral' - Vangelis
Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Eleven are rescued by Hopper and brought to Joyce's house. 'Fields Of Coral' plays as the boys tell Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy everything they've learnt about Will's disappearance and the lab.
'Over' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Dustin calls his teacher, Mr Clarke, for some advice on how to build a sensory deprivation tank.
'Rolling Out The Pool' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Dustin and Lucas roll out and unfold the pool ready to turn it in to a sensory deprivation tank in the Hawkins Middle School gymnasium.
'Fields Of Coral' - Vangelis
Vangelis makes a reprise as the gang start to fill the sensory deprivation pool with water and salt.
'Tendril' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Eleven astral projects into the void where she is able to find Barb, who has sadly been killed in the Upside Down.
'Castle Byers' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Still in the void, Eleven find Will hiding in alternative version of his den in the woods, Castle Byers.
'They Found Us' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
As Hopper and Joyce head to Hawkins Lab in order to pass through the gate into the Upside Down in search of Will, Nancy and Jonathan agree that they still want action their plan to kill the demogorgon.
'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' - The Clash
The episode ends with a short burst of Will singing The Clash to himself for comfort as he hides from the demogorgon.
Chapter Eight: 'The Upside Down'

'Spiked Bat' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Determined to destroy the demogorgon that killed her friend, Nancy sets up a trap for the creature from the Upside Down with at the Byers house with Jonathan.
'Walking Through The Upside Down' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Hopper and Joyce continue their journey in the Upside Down looking for Will.
'Horizon' - Tangerine Dream
In a flashback we seen Hopper playing with Sarah in the park, but thing take a sudden turn and Hopper comforts Sarah after she experiences the first signs of a breathing issue that eventually took her life.
'Something In The House' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After Steve unexpectedly arrives at the house, his roped into helping Nancy and Jonathan kill the demogorgon that is now in the Byers house.
'Flashback' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Hopper has a flashback to a time when his daughter was in hospital near the end of her life.
'One Blink For Yes' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Still in the Upside Down, Joyce walks into the alternative version of her own house with Hopper. In the real world, Nancy, Jonathan and Steve see her lights flashing as they moves around.
'First Kiss' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After talking to Eleven about what will happen to her once all the drama is over, her promises to take her to the end of term Snow Ball and they kiss for the first time.
'They Found Us' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The sweet moment is ruined when the scientists from Hawkins Lab arrive at the school in search of the gang.
'Eleven' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Dr Brenner picks up Eleven while agents from Hawkins Lab hold back the rest of the gang.
'Danger Danger' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
This aptly named song plays as the demogorgon smashes its way through the wall into Hawkins Middle School.
'Flickering' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
With the lights flickering around them, the boys carry Eleven into a classroom where he promises her that he'll take her to the Snow Ball.
'Danger Danger' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
The song plays again as the demogorgon enters the class room and Lucas tries to fight it off with a catapult.
'When It's Cold I'd Like to Die' - Moby
Eleven uses her powers to destroy the demogorgon in the class, but she vanishes afterwards.
'Eleven Is Gone' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Mike and the others frantically scream for Eleven after she vanishes. The music continues as Hopper and Joyces work to revive Will who's at death's door in the Upside Down.
'Castle Byers' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
As Will recovers from his ordeal in hospital, his friends come to visit him and tell him about the adventures they'd had while he's been gone.
'Kids' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
One month later and life is back to normal for the four friends, who we see together once again playing Dungeons & Dragon's in Mike's basement.
'Eleven' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
After his friends leave, Mike is alone in his basement, he glances over to what was Eleven's bed and feels a moment of sadness.
'This Isn't You' - Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Nancy thanks Jonathan by giving him a Christmas present and a kiss on his cheek. Once in the car outside, Will opens the gift and finds it's a camera to replace the one Steve broke.
'Carol Of The Bells' - Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Hopper makes an appearance at the police department's Christmas party, but leaves prematurely and heads to the woods where he leaves food, including Eggos, in a box.
'White Christmas' - Bing Crosby
Bing Crosby's Christmas classic plays as Joyce and her family come together for a festive meal.
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