The Real-Life Addams Family Scared 'This Morning' Host With Haunted Artefacts

October 15, 2024 1:00 AM ‐ Television
The Occult Family
Cheshire's very own real-life Addams Family, consisting of JP Kenny, his partner Kymmi Jeffrey, and their two daughters, Snow and Pebble, recently appeared on ITV's 'This Morning' to discuss their passion for all things spooky. Their love for the paranormal extends beyond Halloween, as they spend their days ghost hunting and curating haunted artefacts in their home museum.

Ben Shephard introduced the family to viewers by saying, "Now they're creepy. They're kooky, mysterious and spooky. We are joined by Cheshire's very own Addams family." As the family arrived in the studio in their black funeral hearse, co-host Cat Deeley described it as "intimidating and sinister."

The conversation quickly turned to their haunted museum, located in their garage. JP explained, "We converted that garage into a room which holds Annie, which is the most haunted item in the UK."

Kymmi elaborated on Annie's eerie history, "She actually was on 'This Morning' a couple of years ago. She was in a house fire, and two energies are attached to her, and they're not very nice. People experience headaches and sickness. We had two weeks of chaos when she was kindly given to us."

Ben, curious about the effect this haunted doll had on their family, asked, "How do you cope with something that is potentially so haunted and caused so many problems, JP?"

JP reassured him, "She's part of the family now. Every item is part of the family. We get told they might be negative, but when they come to our house, they fit in with the girls. They're like normal dolls to our girls."

Their daughters, Snow and Pebble, seem unfazed by the paranormal items around them. When asked if they ever get scared, Snow confidently responded, "No," adding, "Because we live with them, so it's like they're part of the family."

One of the family's most haunted items is a prom dress from America, which came with its own unsettling backstory. "It was worn by a young girl on her way to a prom, but something bad happened to her," JP explained. "When the dress went to a charity shop, things started getting thrown at customers, so they sent it to us."

The dress came with one chilling instruction: not to put it on a mannequin. Kymmi admitted, "I really wanna wear it, but I think I'm a little bit too oversized for that."

Of course, it wouldn't be a paranormal family's collection without a haunted mirror. This particular mirror comes from the infamous Hell's House in Middlesborough, known for its negative energy. "When people have looked into it at our events, they've gotten ill or had things happen to their faces," Kymmi revealed. Ben, showing his bravery, decided to take a look into the mirror, quipping, "Regardless of whether you believe in any of this stuff, seven years of bad luck with the most haunted mirror in the world would not be good."

As the interview wrapped up, Cat asked about the scepticism some people might have about their unusual hobby. Kymmi responded, "I think a lot of people are not educated with regards to the paranormal, but the paranormal is amazing, and it's our normal."

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