'Travel The Dead' At Pennhurst Asylum - Part Two

January 17, 2023
Katrina Weidman - Travel The Dead: Pennhurst
This page is more than two years old.
In the second part of the investigation at the Mayflower Building in Pennhurst Asylum, the team hears unexplained sounds and voices, starting with a loud bang. Zak uses his Tesla coil to charge the dark corridors with energy. Katrina and Heather describe the sounds as if a strong woman was walking through the building, and despite considering the possibility of an animal, Katrina hears definite patterns of human feet. The team spends time trying to locate the source of the sounds, making for a suspenseful episode of 'Travel The Dead'.
The official YouTube channel of American paranormal investigator Katrina Weidman, best known for her appearances as a lead investigator in 'Portals To Hell' alongside Jack Osbourne, and prior to that as the co-host of 'Paranormal Lockdown' with Nick Groff.

Watch more from Katrina Weidman on YouTube


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Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

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