Survey Reveals 68% Of UFO Believers Think Government Withholds Significant Information

July 11, 2024
Roswell UFO Crash
Roswell UFO Crash
A recent survey we conducted has revealed that a substantial 68% of those who believe UFOs exist think the government is withholding significant information regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Overall, 70% of respondents believe in the existence of UFOs. Given our focus on paranormal topics, it's important to note that our audience might have a higher inclination towards believing in UFOs than the general population.

The survey found that 70% of participants believe in the existence of UFOs, with a majority attributing these phenomena to extraterrestrial origins. Another 22% think UFOs exist but believe they can mostly be explained by natural or human-made phenomena. A small fraction of the respondents (5%) do not believe in UFOs, and 3% remain uncertain.

Among those who believe in UFOs, a significant portion (68%) are convinced that the government is withholding substantial information regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Only 25% think that some information is disclosed, and a mere 3% believe the government is transparent about its knowledge. About 6% of respondents are unsure about the level of government disclosure.

When asked about personal UFO sightings, 27% of respondents reported witnessing a UFO and are convinced it was of extraterrestrial origin. Another 32% have seen a UFO but are unsure of its origin. Interestingly, 35% of participants have never witnessed a UFO, while 5% have not seen one themselves but know someone who has.

The credibility of UFO sightings reported in the media varies among respondents. While 14% find these accounts very credible, a majority (62%) consider them somewhat credible. However, 19% think these reports are not very credible, and 5% deem them not credible at all.

The belief in alien visitation is strong, with 61% of participants convinced that aliens have visited Earth and interacted with humans. Another 17% believe aliens have visited but have not made contact. Meanwhile, 11% are unsure if aliens have visited Earth, and another 11% do not believe in such visits.

If conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life were found, 31% of respondents think society should react with open acceptance and attempts to communicate. A larger portion, 47%, advocate for caution and extensive scientific research. A smaller group (8%) suggests a skeptical and defensive stance, while 14% are unsure of the appropriate reaction.

Engagement with UFO and alien-related content is relatively high among respondents. About 36% engage very often, and 56% do so occasionally. A smaller percentage engage rarely (6%) or never (3%).

Interest in UFO and alien visitation theories varies, with 31% of respondents deeply interested and actively researching the topic. A majority (53%) are moderately interested and occasionally follow updates. Some (14%) are mildly curious but not actively engaged, and a small fraction (3%) are not interested.

Regarding the 2023 US government congressional hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), half of the respondents (50%) found the hearings provided some useful information but left many questions unanswered. Another 22% felt the hearings were not very helpful, and 19% were not aware or did not follow the hearings. Only 6% found the hearings informative and shedding significant light on UAPs.

The testimonies of the three military whistleblowers about their experiences with UAPs were interpreted as credible and indicative of extraterrestrial activity by 39% of respondents. Another 22% found the testimonies credible but not necessarily extraterrestrial in nature. A smaller group (11%) believe the whistleblowers could be mistaken or misrepresenting their experiences, while none of the respondents deemed the testimonies untruthful. About 25% are not familiar with the testimonies.

The survey highlights a strong belief in the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life among our readers. Many have witnessed or know someone who has witnessed a UFO, and there is a prevalent opinion that the government is withholding significant information on the subject.

You can see the full results of our survey below, which was conducted in early 2024 attracting 370 individual respondents.

UFO & Alien Visitation Beliefs Survey

Do you believe in the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)?

  • Yes, UFOs exist and are likely extraterrestrial 70%

  • Yes, but they are mostly explainable by natural or human-made phenomena 22%

  • I'm not sure whether UFOs exist 3%

  • No, I do not believe UFOs exist 5%

Have you ever personally witnessed what you believe was a UFO?

  • Yes, and I am convinced it was of extraterrestrial origin 27%

  • Yes, but I am unsure of its origin 32%

  • No, but I know someone who has 5%

  • No, I have never witnessed a UFO 35%

How credible do you find the accounts of UFO sightings reported in the media?

  • Very credible 14%

  • Somewhat credible 62%

  • Not very credible 19%

  • Not credible at all 5%

What is your opinion on government disclosure regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial life?

  • Transparent about their knowledge 3%

  • Only some information is disclosed 26%

  • Significant information is withheld 66%

  • I'm not sure 6%

Do you think that aliens have visited Earth?

  • Yes, and interacted with humans 61%

  • Yes, but not made any contact 17%

  • I'm unsure if aliens have visited Earth 11%

  • No, I do not believe aliens have visited Earth 11%

In your opinion, how should society react if conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life is found?

  • With open acceptance and attempts to communicate 31%

  • With caution and extensive scientific research 47%

  • With skepticism and a defensive stance 8%

  • I am unsure of how we should react 14%

How often do you engage with content (books, articles, shows, etc) about UFOs and alien life?

  • Very often 36%

  • Occasionally 56%

  • Rarely 6%

  • Never 3%

Which of the following best describes your interest in UFO and alien visitation theories?

  • Deeply interested and actively researching 31%

  • Moderately interested and occasionally follow updates 53%

  • Mildly curious but not actively engaged 14%

  • Not interested 3%

What is your opinion on the 2023 US government congressional hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs)?

  • Informative and shed significant light on UAPs 6%

  • Provided some useful information but left questions unanswered 51%

  • Were not very helpful and lacked substantial information 23%

  • I am not aware or have not followed the hearings 20%

How do you interpret the testimonies of the three military whistleblowers regarding their experiences with UAPs?

  • Credible and accurate, indicating extraterrestrial activity 40%

  • Credible, but probably not extraterrestrial in nature 23%

  • They could be mistaken or misrepresenting their experiences 11%

  • Not truthful and inaccurate 0%

  • I am not familiar with the testimonies 26%

Our UFO and alien visitation beliefs Survey is still open and accepting responses. We may follow up this article if there are significant changes to the results in the future. This might naturally occur if the survey reaches a wider and more varied set of respondents.

You can help out by having your say here and sharing the survey with your friends and family, even if they're not actively interested in the paranormal, we'd love to hear about their thoughts and experiences.


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Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

The Paranormal Encyclopaedia
The Paranormal Encyclopaedia

A comprehensive encyclopaedia of over 200 unexplained topics, from mind reading to Ouija boards.

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Whispers From The Other Side
Whispers From The Other Side

A guide to capturing and analysing EVPs for ghost hunters of all levels, covering techniques and theories.

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