Photo: sara150578

Photo: sara150578
Christmas is a time for joy, family, and festive cheer, but did you know it's also a season steeped in strange superstitions and bizarre traditions? From mythical beasts that eat naughty children to odd rituals for warding off evil spirits, the festive season has a darker, weirder side across the globe.
How much do you know about these peculiar customs and legends? Test your knowledge with this quiz on the weirdest Christmas traditions and superstitions from around the world.
1. In Polish folklore, children born during the 12 days of Christmas are believed to have what supernatural affliction?
2. According to Appalachian myth in America, what happens if a single woman visits a hog pen at midnight on Christmas Eve?
3. In Greece, what unusual item is burned to ward off the Kallikantzaroi?
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4. What ritual involving a yule log is practised in Latvia to appease the sun god, Mithras?
5. In Czech tradition, what does finding a fish scale under your plate at Christmas dinner signify?
6. In the Philippines, what is avoided on Jesus’ birthday to prevent illness?
7. According to Serbian folklore, what dangerous creature might hop on your back during the twelve days of Christmas?
8. In English tradition, how should a Christmas pudding be stirred to ensure good luck?
9. In Portugal, who is keeping an empty seat at the Christmas table said to honour?
10. What symbol of luck do Ukrainians associate with spiders on Christmas morning?
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Photo: Jennifer Boyer
11. Who are the Yule Lads, and what do they leave for children?
12. On the 7th of December, Guatemalans perform a ritual to ward off evil called "La Quema del Diablo," but what does this translate as?
13. According to Spanish superstition, what gift could “cut someone out of your life”?
14. Who is Krampus, the figure associated with Christmas punishment?
15. In Icelandic folklore, what must children do to avoid being eaten by the Yule Cat?
16. In Norwegian folklore, Lussi is said to cause mischief on which night?
17. What mode of transport does Befana, the Italian Christmas witch, use to deliver gifts?
18. In German folklore, what does Belsnickel carry to discipline naughty children?
19. What gruesome punishment is associated with Frau Perchta in Alpine folklore?
20. How can you supposedly protect your home from the Kallikantzaroi in Greek folklore?
Further Reading
Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

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