Paranormal Features, Recent Ghost Sightings & Evidence
December 13, 2020
Zak Bagans has reached the dizzying heights of one million followers on Twitter, maintaining his lead as the most followed star from the paranormal world.
December 12, 2020
Is this abandoned schoolhouse in Minnesota the most haunted school in America? We stayed the night inside to find out. And captured some crazy paranormal activity while we were there.
December 12, 2020
The British supernatural series 'Paranormal Captured' returns for a Christmas special this December. 'The Dead Of Winter' will air on Sky Pick on December 22.
December 11, 2020
This video looks at the Monoliths appearing around the world and will explain them!
December 11, 2020
We spend all night in this terrifying haunted house known locally as the three sisters house looking for any signs of poltergeist/paranormal activity on camera so we can show the world that ghosts really do exist.
December 11, 2020
'Ghost Adventures' star Zak Bagans has added a new eerie item to his haunted collection, one of the original Chucky doll props from the classic horror.
December 10, 2020
Ghost Doctor, Episode 7 brings us to the Witches Tower in Dayton, Ohio (Kettering) in search for the mysterious Peggy that died here.
December 10, 2020
Can you tell which of these are paranormal features from the January 2021 issues of 'Chat It's Fate' and 'Take a Break Fate & Fortune' and which we've made up?
December 09, 2020
Tips to make it easier to spot lens flares and give you the confidence to decide whether a light anomaly in a video or photo is something paranormal or a simple artefact caused by light reflecting in the lens.
December 08, 2020
I couldn't believe what I was seeing right in front of my eyes... psychic medium/historian Adrian Lee actually finds an object in a haunted jail and was led there by a spirit. This haunted jail is spooky.
December 08, 2020
The Phone Experiment is a method of spirit communication used by paranormal investigators. It comes under the umbrella of ITC and uses the same principles as EVP.
December 08, 2020
The Fairfield County Infirmary is haunted by its own dark history. For well over a century, this Poor Home in Lancaster, Ohio was the last stop for some of the counties poorest residents. Today, the building is being restored by its current owner, Adam Kimmell, and is thought to be the home for the ghosts of its unfortunate past.
December 07, 2020
We conducted a first-ever Live Stream session in conjunction with Mary Kings Close last month which was massively successful on so many levels. Working to strict COVID Guidelines putting the safety of the staff, team and locals at the heart of this one, we are pleased to say the project was HIGHLY Successful.
December 07, 2020
Great Britain is steeped in history with England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales each having their own grim past and boasting plenty of ghost stories.
December 06, 2020
Complete list of all paranormal television shows airing in the UK for the week beginning Monday 7 December 2020, including real paranormal stories, ghost hunting shows, and supernatural dramas and comedy.
December 06, 2020
A stuffed teddy bear with a built in ghost-detecting REM-Pod is a commonly used tool during paranormal investigations, it acts as an electronic trigger object.
December 05, 2020
This axe was used in a horrific crime to end the lives of 4 people... and the museum that it's in right now was once a poor farm AND a nursing home with a history of darkness. Watch as we spend the night in the most haunted building in Minnesota.
December 05, 2020
Is it possible that a ghost could trigger a REM-Pod and what else might cause the paranormal detection tool to go off or give a false positive?
December 04, 2020
Can mobile phone apps offering ghost hunting tools duplicate the functionality of the physical devices commonly used during paranormal investigations?
December 03, 2020
The Amityville house based in Long Island New York was the scene at which Robert DeFeo Jr murdered six members of his family. This video looks at the real story of what happened at the Amityville horror house - and the tales of the hauntings too.