Paranormal Features, Recent Ghost Sightings & Evidence
April 26, 2020
We take a look at the most iconic ghosts at reside in the Stanley hotel. Does Mrs Wilson still reside in Room 217?
April 26, 2020
What is allegedly attached to this Haunted Talking Item also known as Jacob The Haunted Doll? We look at some archived captures connected to Spirit communication sessions involving Jacob. Are spirit energies following this item around? Let's Listen in and see!
April 26, 2020
Just like ghosts, sightings of Bigfoot are rare and tend to be anecdotal and lack in evidence, which makes us wonder if Bigfoot could in fact be a ghost.
April 26, 2020
Complete list of all paranormal television shows airing in the UK for the week beginning Monday 27 April 2020, including real paranormal stories, ghost hunting shows, and supernatural dramas and comedy.
April 25, 2020
Paul and Holly join a group of investigators from the UK. The White Hart Hotel is reported to be haunted by demonic activity while others have reported seeing the ghost of a playful little boy.
April 25, 2020
We investigated for ghosts overnight at Bobby Mackey's, America's most haunted honky-tonk, a haunted place so dark and evil that it has been featured on shows like 'Ghost Adventures' and 'Portals To Hell'.
April 24, 2020
Join Ryan, as he searches for the ghost of 13 year old Louiza Fox, who was murdered by her ex fiance, Thomas Carr, while she was walking home from school. Thomas Carr became the first man to be hanged for murder in the county. Louiza's spirit is believed to haunted the wilderness surrounding the site she was murdered, and she has been seen walking the road when unsuspecting motorists drive by.
April 23, 2020
We accessed a local Haunted Woods with a rather frightening tale, a woodland where we once witnessed a Pigeon nailed to a tree with no head :O as if some type of ritual took place. What would we gain through our audio collection techniques, would they energies speak with us?
April 23, 2020
Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman arrive in Cleveland, Ohio to investigate a Victorian mansion's haunted secrets. Reports of a crying girl and a woman cloaked in black send the home's residents fleeing.
April 22, 2020
We spent the night in the extremely creepy abandoned Hill View Manor in New Castle, Pennsylvania trying to catch a ghost (or paranormal activity in general) on camera. What happened that night will stick with us forever... watch for more spooky and scary evidence of ghosts.
April 22, 2020
Mary Bettie, daughter of television ghost hunter Yvette Fielding, starts a series of videos based around her exploration of witchcraft.
April 22, 2020
We visit what is claimed to be one of Englands most haunted locations, The Village Mansfield. We spend 6 hours investigating this location to see if we can find any paranormal activity.
April 22, 2020
An eerie clip that seems to show paranormal activity at an abandoned police station in Accrington has left believers and skeptics alike scratching their heads.
April 20, 2020
Cinemas are places of joy, entertainment and emotion, but many of the buildings they occupy are very old, steeped in history and have ghostly stories to tell.
April 19, 2020
Complete list of all paranormal television shows airing in the UK for the week beginning Monday 20 April 2020, including real paranormal stories, ghost hunting shows, and supernatural dramas and comedy.
April 18, 2020
Paul and Holly investigate a historic French Louisbourg Fortress that witnessed two of the largest land and sea battles in North America. The fort may be haunted by the ghosts of its former inhabitants
April 18, 2020
How reliable are the light-up pet toys that ghost hunters use during paranormal investigations? Do the plastic balls really light up when a spirit is near?
April 17, 2020
As our understanding of physics doesn't go far beyond GCSE science, we got in touch with a PhD quantum physics student to find out if the existence of ghosts can be explained through mainstream science.
April 16, 2020
Karl Beattie and Stuart Torevell embark on one of their toughest investigations at the now abandoned prison in Gloucester, where staff and inmates have reported paranormal activity.
April 16, 2020
Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman's 72-hour lockdown inside of Hinsdale House which stands in a rural community in Northwestern New York, hidden in the Adirondack Mountains.