Paranormal Features, Recent Ghost Sightings & Evidence

  • My Ghost Hunt At Guy's Cliffe House, Warwick

    September 25, 2017

    My review of a ghost hunt at the very spooky looking Guy's Cliffe House in Warckshire, during the event we tried to contact the spirits of the house with seance, table tipping and ouija boards.

  • How To Make A Stone Tape Projector

    September 23, 2017

    Recently I heard about an odd device called a stone tape projector, so I thought not only would I find out what one is and how it works, but I'd also have a go at building one myself.

  • Is It Possible To Catch A Ghost?

    September 21, 2017

    If you've ever dreamt of using a proton pack to ensnare a focused, non-terminal, repeating phantasm before opening your trap and capturing it, then have you ever wondered if it's actually possible to catch a ghost? Well, here's the scientific answer.

  • Do Ghosts Get Sexually Aroused?

    September 19, 2017

    When watching the 80s classic, 'Ghostbusters' as a kid the infamous "ghost sex" dream sequence might have gone over your head, you may have even failed to notice how ultra-horny Dana Barrett was when possessed by Zuul. But outside the world of movies, do ghosts get sexually aroused?

  • What Type Of Ghost Will I Become When I Die Quiz?

    September 18, 2017

    Have you ever wonder whether you'll become a ghost when you die, and if so, what type of ghost? Perhaps you'll be a shadow haunting or a full-blown poltergeist. Answer these few simple questions to find out your ghostly destiny.

  • Report A Ghost Sighting

    September 14, 2017

    The official web page for the International Ghost Reporting Agency (IGRA). You can submit your experience with the paranormal or ghosts to our team of experts here.

  • Can A Computer With Artificial Intelligence Become A Ghost?

    September 14, 2017

    If we succeed in creating genuine artificially intelligent machines, and then we "delete them" could they come back as a ghost?

  • What Do Ghosts Actually Want?

    September 12, 2017

    Why do ghosts haunt us? Are they trapped in our plain of existence or do they choose to be here? Well, despite centuries of paranormal investigation no one knows.

  • 'The Amityville Horror' Trivia Quiz

    September 02, 2017

    Jay Anson's classic horror book, 'The Amityville Horror' has spawned countless movies, but how much do you know about the most famous haunted house case of all time?

  • Creepy Movie Clowns Quiz

    September 01, 2017

    With the re-make of Stephen King's 'It' in cinemas this month, it's time to test your knowledge of the scariest clowns from the world of horror movies.

  • Man's Story Of Being Haunted By Ghost Of A Dead Child Goes Viral On Twitter

    August 30, 2017

    A series of tweets by a New Yorker, Adam Ellis, have gone viral. The terrifying tweets tell the story of the sinister ghost of a child which Adam claims is haunting his apartment. He's tweeted about several strange paranormal occurrences in the apartment, some of which involve his cats.

  • Advice On Legally Marrying A Ghost

    August 28, 2017

    I often get asked questions about ghosts and the queries are usually something I can write about, but when I was asked if you can legally marry a ghost my first thoughts were "haha, idiot". But, it turns out that you can actually marry a ghosts, although there are certain caveats.

  • Will I Become A Ghost When I Die?

    August 27, 2017

    Using science and math, I've crunched the data from the world's most well known hauntings. I've put together a list of requirements to guarantee you a place in the spirit hall of fame.

  • Where Has All The Ectoplasm Gone?

    August 25, 2017

    Like many other kids growing up in the 1980s, my first exposure to ectoplasm was in 'Ghostbusters' and at the time the gloopy, slimy, ghost residue was quite popular in the paranormal world, but what's happened to ectoplasm? It seems to have dropped off of ghost hunter's radars?

  • Princess Diana Tells A Psychic That Kate Is "Perfect" For William From Beyond The Grave

    August 23, 2017

    A psychic medium claims to have made contact with the spirit of the Princess of Wales and has brought news from beyond the grave on Princes William and Harry's choice of partners and most people think the medium is a massive liar.

  • Fake Ghost Caught By Police In Portsmouth Cemetery

    August 22, 2017

    Who you gonna call? Well, in the case of Kingston Cemetery which was haunted by a ghost, it wasn't the ghostbusters who answered the call but Hampshire police and they proved they weren't afraid of no ghost after the spook ended up with a fine.

  • Watch 'Paranormal Activity' Movies In Chronological Order

    August 20, 2017

    Found out how to watch the 'Paranormal Activity' movies in chronological order rather than in the order they were released. If you've seen the whole series before then repeat watching them in chronological order works just as well.

  • Yvette Fielding Meets The World's Most Famous Haunted Doll

    August 18, 2017

    A few weeks ago, 'This Morning' presenters Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford were spooked by a Victorian-style doll. After being sold on eBay the creepy doll is back and this time Yvette Fielding is on hand to give her opinion on the toy.

  • Is 'Tobinโ€™s Spirit Guide' Real?

    August 14, 2017

    In times of difficulty the Ghostbusters often turn to one book to help them identify entities involved in haunting cases, that book was written by London-born John Horace Tobin and published in October 1920, but is 'Tobin's Spirit Guide' a real book?

  • Once Upon A Time In Enfield

    August 07, 2017

    Whether you believe the Enfield Poltergeist was evidence of a real haunting or not, there's no doubt that the story had an enormous impact at the time. After all, the media relies on public interest to sustain a story. The Enfield Poltergeist was widely covered in newspapers, books, radio and TV at the time and continues to fascinate. So how could this seemingly simple haunting have had such a large impact over such a timespan?

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Daily Horoscopes


Family members may be looking at you through a mirror of unrealistic hopes and expectations, and you could "catch it" from a relative who is projecting their own insecurities and low self-esteem onto your accomplishments. Keep your chin up -... Read More