Paranormal Features, Recent Ghost Sightings & Evidence

  • Video Of Ghost Attacking Teen While He's Reading A Book

    April 03, 2017

    A creepy video has been uploaded to YouTube which shows the moment a ghost attacks an unaware teenager while he reads a book at home.

  • Paranormal 101: Ghosts, Spirits And Hauntings

    April 02, 2017

    A new series designed to function as entry level lectures on the paranormal and unexplained. Each topic will be made up of four short videos, released once a week to complete a topic each month.

  • I Noticed Something Shocking In Every Photo Of Donald Trump

    April 01, 2017

    We all know there's something very unpresidential about the current US commander and chief, but I've spotted something quite sinister in many photos of Donald Trump from the last few years.

  • When Was The First Ghost Sighting In History?

    March 26, 2017

    In this video is covering the question 'When was the first ghost sighting?' Who saw the first ghost? When was it reported? We cover all of that in this video.

  • Are There Ghosts In Space?

    March 25, 2017

    Ghosts are said to be the spirits or energy of the dead, when the body dies the spirit is left behind. They often haunt place where they lived, where they died or somewhere with a special meaning to them, like a place they frequently visited.

  • How To Become A Master Of The Dark Arts

    March 21, 2017

    Black magic is a secret art which has been protected and kept hidden from the public for centuries. At its core, black magic or dark magic uses supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes, it can involve invocation of evil spirits.

  • Whats The Difference Between Skinwalkers And Wendigos

    March 16, 2017

    In This weeks video, we dicuss the difference between Skinwalkers and Wendigos. While both legends have experienced a surge in popularity and interest in recent years, they are commonly found to have the defining characteristics merged or confused in discussion.

  • Why Do Ghost Hunters Investigate In The Dark

    March 14, 2017

    There are countless sightings of ghosts not only in the dead of night but also in broad day light and lit houses. So why do ghost hunters chose to hunt for spirits in the dark?

  • Creepiest Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) Recordings Worldwide

    March 12, 2017

    EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomena, is a psuedo-scientific method employed by paranormal investigators as a way of gathering evidence of a haunting in a location or property where such phenomena is said to manifest.

  • Paranormal Investigator Says Science Can Always Explain The Supernatural

    March 12, 2017

    Carrie Poppy is an investigator of paranormal and spiritual claims, in her recent TED talk she gives her opinion on how all paranormal claims can be explained away using science.

  • Bill Spectre's Ghost Trails Of Oxford Review

    March 11, 2017

    On Friday and Saturday evenings, Bill Spectre cordially invites you to join him on a ghostly walking tour of Oxford. Bill will entertain and horrify you as he guides you through the streets of the historic city.

  • Types Of Hauntings

    March 07, 2017

    These five terms to describe ghosts and spirits are the categorisations most commonly used by many ghost hunters to describe the paranormal activity they encounter.

  • 5 Scary Technology Predictions For The Future

    March 05, 2017

    Humanity has come a long way over the centuries, once we were fascinated by the concept of fire where other countries were pure mystery and impossible to visit, much like our relationship with other planets today. You only need to look back at the last 100 years to see the unfathomable changes we have implemented as a species.

  • The 5 Worst Psychics Of All Time

    March 04, 2017

    Whether you believe in clairvoyants or not, every industry has its cowboys, its untrustworthy rogues and the medium industry is no different. While some psychics seem to be out to help people, others are clearly exploiting their customers and scamming them out of their money.

  • Beer Glass Explodes On CCTV At Haunted Pub In Prescot

    March 03, 2017

    A casual drink at his local turned into a paranormal incident when a pint of beer randomly exploded without being touched and amazingly, the landlord caught the whole thing on CCTV.

  • How To Make A Psi Wheel Move With Your Mind

    March 02, 2017

    A psi wheel is a lightweight pyramid-shaped fan which can be made from paper or foil and is balanced on top of a pointed object which allows it to spin freely and easily. Because the wheel is so lightweight and easy to move, it has been used for decades to test people's psychic energy and telekinetic abilities.

  • 5 Common Types Of Ghosts And Hauntings

    February 26, 2017

    Ghosts and hauntings are both very generalised terms when referring to paranormal phenomena. There are many sub-categories for both topics and the circumstances and behaviours to be expected change quite drastically throughout each individual category.

  • 10 Most Haunted Places In Cardiff

    February 24, 2017

    Cardiff is officially the most haunted place in Wales, it boasts a higher number of reports of paranormal events than any other place throughout the whole of Wales. If you're feeling brave then here are the ten most haunted places in Cardiff.

  • How To Build A Psychotronic Generator

    February 23, 2017

    In principle it's pretty easy to build a psychotronic device, they usually resemble a wand or symbols related to alchemy and are made out of a single material, either steel, bronze, copper, iron or gold.

  • Professor Brian Cox Says The LHC Proves Ghosts Can't Exist

    February 20, 2017

    Paranormal researchers and ghost hunters have debated the nature of ghosts for year but now physicist Brian Cox has spoken about how he thinks the experiments taking place at CERN have proven that ghosts can't exist within our current understanding of the universe around us.

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Daily Horoscopes


Family members may be looking at you through a mirror of unrealistic hopes and expectations, and you could "catch it" from a relative who is projecting their own insecurities and low self-esteem onto your accomplishments. Keep your chin up -... Read More