Paranormal Features, Recent Ghost Sightings & Evidence
January 01, 2017
The most widely reported ghost sightings of the year, from viral videos which claim to show the supernatural, to the most impressive photographs and evidence of the paranormal captured this year.
December 25, 2016
Top 5 Darkest explore the legend of werewolves. In this video they take a look at the first recorded werewolf reports, stories and misconceptions.
December 18, 2016
Here we cover the most darkest unethical human experiments that were made in history.
December 09, 2016
Folklore and Urban Legends have been passed through generations for hundreds of years, bringing us classic stories and characters throughout, stories that have been told and retold countless times.
December 02, 2016
Witchcraft and the general practice of spellcraft have long been the cause of panic and mistrust within civilisations and communities. Whether or not the accusations of witchcraft were accurate or simply the product of hysteria, there are detailed accounts of the people involved and their demise at the hands of authorities and mobs of frightened citizens.
November 18, 2016
Disney origin stories are up for discussion in this Top 5 Darkest video, Disney is a much-loved company, responsible for some of the most famous and enchanting movies throughout many people's childhood. What is not so commonly known though, are the original stories of which these childhood classics are derived.
November 09, 2016
Bristol is a city steeped in history, some of it grisly, from the slave trade to smugglers, pirates and brutal murders. Around every corner in the city there’s a story to be told and with so much history it’s not surprising that Bristol has so many ghost stories.
November 08, 2016
Creepy Insane Asylums are up for discussion in this Top 5 Darkest video, While the development of treatment for mental illness has come on leaps and bounds over the years, the roots of our successful treatments are sadly, much more barbaric and twisted.
November 03, 2016
Cursed movie sets are up for discussion in this Top 5 Darkest video. Throughout cinematic history there have been claims of cursed sets or productions, either through the films subject matter or past events which occurred on set. We take a look at some of the creepiest plagued film sets and productions in our top 5 list of cursed movie sets.
November 01, 2016
Test your knowledge of the 19th series of Most Haunted with 20 terrifying questions about the locations Yvette Fielding at the team visited including HMP Shrewsbury Prison.
October 31, 2016
The Most haunted team, headed up by Yvette Fielding, return to a location that she swore she'd never go back to for a very special 'as-live' edition of the show for Halloween at HM Prison Shrewsbury.
October 31, 2016
Happy Halloween 2016! Since this is our kind of season, we will be treating you all to an entire weeks worth of content, every single day for the week leading up to halloween.
October 30, 2016
Barry Dodds and Ray Peacock return for a one-off special edition of the podcast, Ray is now known by his real name Ian Boldsworth. This special is in no way special, the pair discuss Barry's encounter with Derren Brown, the latest from 30 East Drive, and a conspiracy surrounding Denver airport.
October 27, 2016
Cemeteries are often in media the source of many horror stories and has traditionally become a classic location in our classic horror literature and stories. One still can’t seem to look at a cemetery a night without a sense of tension, but what about the worlds scariest? In this video we count down our top 5 scariest Cemeteries around the world. Enjoy!
October 20, 2016
In this episode we discuss the topics of Ouija boards. For Centuries Mankind has tried to contact with the supernatural world, Through the years there have been many different methods but nearly none of them have compared to the common Ouija Boards.
October 20, 2016
The demon spirit of one of the UK's most infamous haunted houses has once again been terrifying ghost hunters who have been brave enough to enter.
October 14, 2016
Halloween 2016 is about to get even scarier as Most Haunted embarks on a two-hour special from HMP Shrewsbury in an exclusive UKTV Play event, it was announced today.
October 12, 2016
Clowns were once a symbol of happiness and fun throughout most societies, nowadays they have taken on a more sinister and disturbing light. With clowns being the cause of many peoples phobias and general fear, we take a look at our top 5 creepiest clown stories.
September 26, 2016
Mysterious creatures and strange cryptids are the topic of this video.