Paranormal Features, Recent Ghost Sightings & Evidence

  • The Tree Where Graves Circle: Hardy Tree, St. Pancras Old Church

    December 24, 2021

    I visit a unknown site named the Hardy Tree located at St. Pancras Old Church in London. A site where body snatching was rife and a previous vicar dubbed the tree as a Hellgate due to the Lost Souls that are said to linger here.

  • When Things Got Spooky On 'This Morning' In 2021

    December 24, 2021

    From a ghost-busting vicar to a dog that can sniff out spooks, Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby have been on a mission to get the lowdown on the strangest stories from the paranormal world in 2021.

  • How A Psychic Caught The "River Rat" Serial Killer

    December 23, 2021

    When an elderly woman is brutally murdered in her small-town Louisiana home. Police are at all loss and have no leads. A psychic in far-away Honolulu knows what the killer was wearing. How is this possible?

  • Ghostly Graveyard Explored Alone At Night

    December 23, 2021

    In this video Nathan does a night time recon of a new potential investigation location its an ancient overgrown graveyard that is renowned for strange happenings once upon a time people where dared to spend a single night here.

  • Haunted Magazines' Spooktacular Year

    December 23, 2021

    December marks the end of a fantastic year for our friends at Haunted Magazine, as it expanded to reach a new audience across the pond and on newsagent shelves across the UK.

  • Uncanny: Luibeilt, The Remote Haunted Cottage In The Highlands Of Scotland

    December 22, 2021

    Danny Robins brings us a tale of paranormal happenings that took place in a remote cottage in the Scottish Highlands that terrified two young mountaineers around Christmas time in 1973. With experts Ciarán O'Keeffe and Evelyn Hollow.

  • Ouija: The Dark And Strange Origins Of The Spirit Board

    December 21, 2021

    Featuring Derren Brown and Uri Geller, this series follows one believer and one non-believer as they explore the validity and existence of the paranormal, specifically dark forces, through controlled experiments such as demon summoning, séances, and talking board rituals. With the help of leading figures in the paranormal, skeptical, and academic communities will they make contact with the other side?

  • Trapped In Yellow Jacket Mine Demon Cabin - Destination Hell

    December 21, 2021

    In the final episode of season one, we investigate Virginia City’s most haunted location the Miners Cabin. We try to stop evil from getting inside, and help those spirits with us, this is a place we will never forget.

  • Investigating The Galleries Of Justice And Its Hauntings

    December 19, 2021

    Once the old Shire court in Nottingham, this court building has been used as a gaol, as well as a place where over a hundred people were executed. There is even a dungeon built into a cave below the prison cells that was used as an oubliette, where people were locked up and left to die.

  • The Woman Who Claims Her Father Is An Alien

    December 18, 2021

    William Shatner believes aliens have infiltrated the human race. First, we look at the case of a Mexican farmer who claims to have captured the bizarre otherworldly "Metepec" creature. We then examine the case of an Arizona woman who claims to have been fathered by an extra-terrestrial in a top-secret project. Finally, we look at allegations that aliens are secretly living at an Air Force base in Nevada.

  • The AIMS Team Returns For Season 6 Of 'Mountain Monsters'

    December 17, 2021

    More monsters, more traps and more fun on tap for season six of the cult-classic series 'Mountain Monsters', as the AIMS team's wild hunt for Bigfoot premieres January 2.

  • The Haunted Haymond House

    December 17, 2021

    One of West Virginia's most haunted mansions. The Haymond House ends up being the most active investigations the PQ Team has had in months. What secrets does this old house hold?

  • Head Back To Button House This December In 'Ghosts' Christmas Special

    December 17, 2021

    The BBC takes viewers back to Button House this December for a Christmas special of the British comedy series, 'Ghosts', which lands on BBC One and iPlayer on December 23.

  • The Murdered Man Whose Body Was Found By A Psychic

    December 16, 2021

    Late one evening in suburban Louisiana, a young carpenter offered a lift home to a woman he had met in a bar. After riding off with the stranger in his truck, Andre disappeared into the night. When a psychic has incredible visions provides the police with shocking details of his whereabouts. She made legal history when she testified in court. Her testimony shocked the world.

  • The Ghosts That Threatened To Kill Journalist Hannah Betts

    December 16, 2021

    Danny Robins explores a classic case of a haunted house on the outskirts of Birmingham that terrorised its inhabitants in the 1980s in episode eight of 'Uncanny'. With experts Haley Stevens and Peter Laws.

  • The Blue Lady That Haunts Kingwell Woods Lost Towers

    December 15, 2021

    On Sunday, Myself and Aimee went to Kingwell Woods located in Barnsley in search of the Blue lady. Our investigation of the area proved to present some fantastic evidence to support we may have just been talking with the Blue Lady who is has been sighted so many times over the years at the ruined towers.

  • What Tesla Really Meant By "Non-Physical Phenomena" In That Famous Quote

    December 15, 2021

    What Nikola Tesla really meant in his famous quote in which he talked about making progress "the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena."

  • What Causes An Exorcism Hysteria?

    December 14, 2021

    Featuring Derren Brown and Uri Geller, this series follows one believer and one non-believer as they explore the validity and existence of the paranormal, specifically dark forces, through controlled experiments such as demon summoning, séances, and talking board rituals. With the help of leading figures in the paranormal, skeptical, and academic communities will they make contact with the other side?

  • Learn To Play Your Favourite Creepy Songs

    December 14, 2021

    Creepy movie themes might not be the choice for everyone but if you have an interest in hauntings, then combining that with a love of music makes perfect sense.

  • Is Beaumanor Hall Extremely Haunted?

    December 14, 2021

    Finally, after many years of trying, we have caught something on camera that will make you question everything.

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Daily Horoscopes


You have an opportunity to enjoy music right now, and may even be considering learning a musical instrument. This could interfere with some promises you made to help out with someone's household chores though, and you may end up having... Read More