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6 Results Found For 'ghost huntings'.
December 29, 2022
We've put together this guide to ghost hunting to try to inspire paranormal investigators to think a little more creatively when planning their investigations of haunted houses.
March 21, 2022
Before television, British Pathé newsreel documented everything from major armed conflicts to the curious hobbies of ordinary people, including ghost hunting in the 1950s and 60s.
June 13, 2021
Bruce Halliday says when communicating with spirits of the dead, you should give them your respect by not leaving your ghost hunting tools unattended.
September 28, 2020
Real life paranormal investigators Amy McCain and Frankie Fronk react to the original 1984 'Ghostbusters' movie and compare it to real ghost huntings methods.
June 02, 2020
The Shire Hall in Hereford has everything you could want from a haunted location, the only thing it seemed to be lacking was the ghosts.
News and updates on how COVID-19 is affecting paranormal entertainment, public ghost huntings events, haunted locations, and the wider paranormal community.