Guide To Stranger Things Season 2

The second season of Netflix's supernatural web-series which has taken the world by storm. Since season one was released in 2016, fans have binge watched back-to-back episodes of the show which has been described as a cross between 'The Goonies' and 'Stand By Me'. Pack full of 80s references and iconic music, Stranger Things follows the story of a group of friends from Hawkins Middle School as they uncover the weird goings on in their town.
Stranger Things Season 2
Stranger ThingsApril 17, 2022

'Stranger Things' Season Two Recap

Further Reading

Dive into the world of the paranormal and unexplained with books by Higgypop creator and writer Steve Higgins.

The Rational Demonologist
The Rational Demonologist

An exploration of demonic activity, including possession, protection, and exorcism.

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Investigating The Unexplained
Investigating The Unexplained

Practical advice on conducting paranormal investigations and uncovering the unexplained.

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