Contact With A Demonic Entity At Colston Bassett Church

November 09, 2019 11:06 PM

About This Video

This video was uploaded to the YouTube channel Paranormal Detectives in November 2019.

We spend the night in the ruins of one of the UK's most haunted churches - Colston Bassett. Demonic activity has been experienced here frequently, so we look to seek out the demon for ourselves! Will the demon come through the portal from hell and make it's presence known to us?

About Paranormal Detectives

The Paranormal Detectives are on a mission. They aim is to visit haunted locations across the United Kingdom and to "seek the truth" in these locations. They will be your eyes and ears and will share their experiences and evidence with you each step of our journey. Best of all, everything you see on this channel is real. No evidence is tampered with. Nothing is faked.

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