Poltergeist Attack At Greyfriars Haunted Graveyard

January 03, 2021 9:44 AM

About This Video

This video was uploaded to the YouTube channel The Paranormal Detectives in January 2021.

Greyfriars Kirkyard has over 3000 ghost sightings reported making it the Most Haunted Graveyard in the world. its history is brutal and bloody, the poltergeist that attacks visitors here is even worse.

The graveyard was founded in 1562 and is said to hold between 250,000 and half a million corpses. it was once used as a plague pit, also a prison where thousands of people were executed, to make matters worse the evil person behind these executions is also buried here in a large mausoleum. people passing through the grounds experience brushing, scratches and teeth Mark's upon there skin as well as vomiting and urinating themselves uncontrollably. over 100 people have been rendered unconscious here by an unseen force. vicar colin grant sadly passed away 2 days after trying to perform an exorcism here. today Edinburgh council have locked off part of the graveyard to the public due to so many paranormal phenomena, deeming it unsafe. greyfriars is also known for the famous story of greyfriar bobby, the sky terrier who rose to fame for being so faithful to his master after his death. it was also a location that helps inspire certain parts of the Harry Potter novels!

About The Paranormal Detectives

The Paranormal Detectives are a duo of paranormal investigators that visit haunted locations in an attempt to catch evidence of the paranormal on camera. Everything you see on this channel is real. No evidence is tampered with. Nothing is faked.

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