Overnight In USA's Most Haunted High School - Abandoned & Afraid

November 30, 2021 9:56 AM

About This Video

This video was uploaded to the YouTube channel Twin Paranormal in November 2021.

Built in 1907 during the huge boom created by the discovery of gold, the town of Goldfield Nevada became one of the most popular and profitable towns in the entire state. Once the population started to rise the town had a new found need for schooling for the children there, in total four schools were built with the Goldfield High School being the biggest and the grandest. Eventually all of the other schools would close and all the grades would be moved to the larger high school. For nearly 50 years this building was a place of comfort and opportunity in an otherwise rough and difficult life, some of the names of the last graduating class of 1952 are still written on the walls, and some of the last lessons taught there still on the chalkboards. However grand and beautiful it was the school is no stranger to tragedy and violence, let alone the town it was in the school itself has seen deaths, fights, a massive fire and all kinds of emotion and energy pass through its walls. This place is famous for its supposed hauntings and has been visited by countless investigators in the past. We decided to make the trip for ourselves and see if this place would live up to its reputation, and it didnโ€™t disappoint. This is the haunted Goldfield High School

About Twin Paranormal

Ryan and River are twins who say they've always had something fallowing them. It all started in Reno NV when their parents moved them into a creepy old three-storey house. Rather than being scarred for life, the experience gave the brothers a passion for the paranormal, and now with the help of Nik and Wyatt, they've taken it upon themselves to find ultimate proof of the paranormal.

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