Scorpio: Astrological Traits

October 15, 2015 5:10 PM


In astrology scorpio is one the zodiac sign, let's take a look at some of the astrological traits of this star sign.

Scorpios are named after the strange mythical creature, the scorpion. Legend says these 40 foot long beasts had a poisons venom stinging tail, but no one knows if these terrifying monsters ever really existed.

Scorpios have a rigid exoskeleton, this not only makes them incredibly robust but also allows them to withstand temperatures of up to 400 degrees centipede. However in cold whether their bodies can’t maintain the natural fluids required to lubricate their bionic joints and their body shuts down.

Scorpios are known for their love of factories, their hairy palms and their inability to say the word precipitation.




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