The Panic Rooms: Haunted Wentworth Woodhouse

April 13, 2018 8:16 PM

About This Video

This video was uploaded to the YouTube channel Soul Reaper Paranormal in April 2018.

Tonight soul reaper paranormal investigate the historically haunted Wentworth Woodhouse.

From the moment we step foot inside this place the paranormal activity begins.

Disembodied voices, EVPs and amazing rempod activity are all captured during our investigation on the grounds of this amazingly haunted mansion.

The light anomalies are off the chart join us as we dive head first in our quest to prove the afterlife.

About Soul Reaper Paranormal

Soul Reaper Paranormal is a paranormal YouTube channel, which aims to delve into the world of all things related to ghosts, demons and the afterlife. The team's main objective is to provide subscribers with regular, relevant content related to this field and along the way they hope to build up a strong, loyal fan base who will help them on their journey into the unknown.

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