1000s Of Worms Found In Haunted Cult Cave

April 06, 2020 10:00 PM

About This Video

This video was uploaded to the YouTube channel The Paranormal Files in April 2020.

This place was scary! An abandoned, haunted cave in the woods that was inhabited by a mysterious doomsday cult in Philadelphia in the 1600's seems to be filled with paranormal activity and creepy bugs and insects... we went ghost hunting and made a vlog of it... what happened when we investigated?

The Cave of Kelpius in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is a significant religious location that has remained abandoned for hundreds of years. Johannes Kelpius was a German mystic, occultist, musician and writer who immigrated to America in 1694 with his followers in a religious group that he founded known as the "Society of the Woman in the Wilderness”. The group believed that in 1694 the world would end, and that a heavenly kingdom would open up somewhere in the wilderness. Following this prophecy, Johannes led his group of 40 all-male followers, who also happened to be monks, to the outskirts of Philadelphia and set up shop in the woods, where they constructed various buildings and lived out their lives in peace. Many describe this group as America’s first doomsday cult, as the monks were doing all they could to prepare for the end and were desperately craving a sign that the world was indeed up next for destruction.

About The Paranormal Files

The Paranormal Files is a web series which explores all things paranormal, including spirits, religion, cryptids and even extraterrestrials. Over the years, lead investigators Colin Browen and his significant other Payton McWhorter have captured a number of extreme paranormal events on camera, including physical attacks, crystal clear spirit voices and even what appear to be apparitions on camera.

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