Trying An Anti-Bullying Spell Kit

July 26, 2019

If you're bothered by bullies, either at school, in your workplace or members of your family, then this 'Bully Off' spell kit might be for you.

Throughout the ritual you need to focus on your intent, in this case it will be on a happy life without bullied in the picture. Focus on the positive effects, like a stress free life, strength and empowerment, rather than the negative of dwelling on the bully themselves.

First take a charcoal discs and light it carefully. Once it's burning, place it in an incense burner and set it aside.

Next take a black candle and anoint it with some of hand-blended "bully off oil". To do this dab a little of the oil on to your fingers and then lightly coat the body of the candle. As you do this, remember to focus on your intent and concentrate on the reason why you are performing this spell.

Once the charcoal block has turned grey, place a small pinch of incense on it and wait for it to start smouldering.

The next step is to draw a black agate crystal through the incense smoke three times while reciting the words below three times, while concentrating on your intent.

May he which I wish to be rid of,
Pass from me and not return,
Pass from me and not return,
Pass from me and not return.

The final step is to visualise a white light spreading outwards from the crystal, separating you from the negative person in you your life.

Once this final step is complete, place the charged crystal back in its bag and to place the bag somewhere in your home and let it do it's work.


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